Diploma Recognition

Application for the recognition of foreign university education and qualifications

Information about the recognition of previous studies for applicants from secondary schools or universities

If you have studied abroad and apply for a job or for study, you may be required to produce a certificate on the recognition of foreign university education or qualifications in the Czech Republic. You may apply for such recognition with any public university in the Czech Republic, or with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

In order to choose the most appropriate university to apply for the recognition of foreign university education, please consult the list of accredited programmes of study (which must be identical or similar to the programme completed abroad).

List of public universities in the Czech Republic

List of public universities in the Czech Republic:

If there is no similar study programme in the list of accredited study programmes, you may apply directly with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Contact details:
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Department of Higher Education Institutions
Karmelitská 7,118 12 Prague 1
Phone: 00420 234 811 705 (111), Fax: 00420 234 811 790, http: www.msmt.cz, email: nostrifikace@msmt.cz

Instructions to be read before filing an aplication with UP

1. FEE: CZK 3000

Section 90a (2) of Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on universities

As from 1 September 2016, recognition of foreign university education is subject to the payment of a fee. After Palacký University, Olomouc has received the application for recognition of foreign university education and after it has considered whether it is competent to deal with the application, the applicant is invited to pay the fee. 

The fee must be paid by wire transfer to the bank account of Palacký University, Olomouc kept with Komerční banka, a.s. in accordance with the payment instructions not later than 7 days after the receipt of the invitation to pay. If the applicant fails to do so, the proceedings will be stayed in accordance with Section 66 (1) (c) of the Administrative Procedure Code.


Section 48 of Act No. 500/2004 Sb., Administrative Procedure Code

Proceedings to decide on the same application cannot take place simultaneously at more public universities (or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; in other words, the application for the recognition of foreign university education is to be filed with one institution only, and only after this institution has issued a decision and this decision has become legally effective is it possible to apply for recognition with another public university (or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic).

If it turns out that the proceedings on the same application take place simultaneously at more institutions, the proceedings will be stayed in accordance with Section 66 (1) (c) of the Administrative Procedure Code.


The application is usually dealt with within 30 days, or within 60 days in more complex cases. This time limit starts running on the date the full application is received, i.e. the application and all required documents, and the fee of CZK 3000 is paid.

Filing an application

 Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on universities and on the amendment and modification of other acts

The application must be filed with the Rector of Palacký University, Olomouc and sent to the following address:

Palacký University in Olomouc, Rector’s Office, Křížkovského 8, 771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Contact person:

Mgr. Kristýna Hončíková, e-mail: kristyna.honcikova@upol.cz

The submission must include:

1. the application filled in either electronically or by hand (in block letters); the application must be signed by the applicant; otherwise it will not be considered;

2. an authenticated copy of the diploma or equivalent certificate on the completion of studies issued by a foreign university, together with a translation into Czech, Slovak or English made by a certified translator;

3. an authenticated copy of the diploma supplement or a list of exams passed, together with a translation into Czech, Slovak or English made by a certified translator

4. power of attorney, if the applicant is represented in the proceedings by an attorney-in-fact (together with its translation into Czech, Slovak or English);

5. an authenticated copy of the certificate of marriage or another document certifying a change of name, including its translation into Czech, Slovak or English made by a certified translator; this is applicable if the change of name occurred after the foreign diplomas and certificates have bee issued;

6. an authenticated copy of the decision to grant the refugee status if the applicant has been granted such a status.

7. description of full educational path of the applicant: If it is applied for a recognition of follow-up Master´s study programme, it´s necessary to submit the obtainment of previous Bachelor´s degree.

In addition to the above documents, Palacký University, Olomouc may also require:

1. Additional information to the effect that the programme of study was implemented by an institution authorized to implement educational programmes equivalent to university education under the Universities Act, as well as information on the content of the foreign university study. (together with a translation into Czech, Slovak or English made by a certified translator)

  • The applicant must contact the institution where he or she completed the studies, or the competent bodies of the state where the studies were completed. This information is used to verify that the institution where the applicant completed the studies is a higher education institution within the meaning the Czech Universities Act and that at the time of the studies, the institution was accredited to implement the programme completed by applicant.

2. Syllabi (study plans, course descriptions) of the completed courses, including the load and structure of lectures, seminars and practical seminars together with a translation into Czech, Slovak or English made by a certified translator.


Steps taken to consider an application


(For more details, please refer to the Recognition Proceedings Code of Palacký University - only in the Czech language)

1. After an application for the recognition of foreign university education and qualifications in the Czech Republic is received, Palacký University, Olomouc (hereinafter the “UP”) determines whether it is competent to deal with the application:

IF YES: The applicant is invited to pay a fee of CZK 3000 to cover the costs of the steps taken in relation to the recognition proceedings, or as the case may be, submit further documents.

IF NO: The application is referred to another body, i.e. another public university or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

2. After the fee has been paid (within 7 days in case of european countries, and within 15 days in case of non-european countries, after the receipt of the invitation to pay) and/or the application has been supplemented with additional documents (within 30 days after the receipt of the invitation to do so), the application is referred to the Dean of the respective faculty to be considered.

3. Having considered the application in detail, the Dean proposes either to grant or dismiss the application, or as the case may be, the Dean may also propose that additional documents be supplemented to make objective evaluation of the application possible (the applicant will be invited to do by an officer of the Rector’s Office of UP).

4. Based on the opinion of the Dean of the respective UP faculty, the Rector of UP issues a decision to:

RECOGNIZE foreign university education; such a decision recognizes foreign university education as equivalent to the study at UP and at the same time recognizes the academic degree awarded by the foreign university and stated in the diploma. Before a decision to recognize the application, the applicant is invited to consult the file and make a statement on the documents leading to the decision. Consulting the file is not obligatory and if the applicant decides not to do so, the Rector of UP issues a decision within 3 days after the receipt of the invitation to consult the file by the applicant. PLEASE NOTE: A holder of a foreign diploma may use an academic degree or a different title awarded to university graduates as stated in her or his diploma issued by the foreign university.

DISMISS the application for the recognition of foreign university education: Before a decision to dismiss the application is issued, the applicant is invited to consult the file and make a statement on the documents leading to the decision. Consulting the file is not obligatory and if the applicant decides not to do so, the Rector of UP issues a decision to dismiss the application within the time limit set by the invitation from the date of the receipt of the invitation to consult the file by the applicant..

The decision of the Rector of UP includes detailed reasoning leading to the application being dismissed. An appeal may be lodged against this decision within 15 days after the receipt of the decision.

Stay of proceedings

under Section 66 (1) (c) of the Administrative Procedure Code

The Rector decides to stay the proceedings if:

the applicant fails, after having been invited to do so in writing, to pay the fee for the steps taken in the recognition proceedings within the set time limit;

the applicant withdraws the application;

it turns out that the proceedings on the same application take place simultaneously at more public universities, or at a public university and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

Other forms for the recognition proceeedings


If the applicant is invited to supplement the application with additional documents, he or she may apply for the time limit to do to be extended. Theapplication must be delivered in writing and must be signed by the applicant. The form can be downloaded here.


If the applicant decides on any grounds to terminate the recognition proceedings before a decision is issued, he or she must send a written application withdrawal form. The application must be delivered in writing and must be signed by the applicant. The form can be downloaded here.


If the applicant wishes to have the documents sent together with the application returned, he or she must send a written and signed application in the following cases:

a)      the Rector of UP has decided on the recognition of foreign university education;

b)      the Rector of UP has decided to dismiss the application (and the applicant will not appeal against the decision);

c)       the proceedings have been stayed due to failure to submit the documents or pay the fee;

d)      the application has been withdrawn by the applicant.

The form can be downloaded here.


An appeal against the Rector’s Decision must be lodged through Palacký University, Olomouc, and must be sent to the following address: Palacký University in Olomouc, Rector’s Office, Křížkovského 8, 771 47 Olomouc, Czech Republic

Palacký University, Olomouc will refer the appeal together with all background documents to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (hereinafter the “Ministry”).

After the file has been referred to the Ministry, there is no further communication between the Ministry and UP. Therefore, any questions must be sent by the applicant directly to the Ministry. The form can be downloaded here.


The applicant may appoint an attorney-in-fact to represent the applicant in the proceedings on the recognition of foreign university education. The power of attorney must be sent together with the application (or as the case may be during the proceedings) in writing and must be signed both by the applicant and the attorney-in-fact. The power of attorney need not be authenticated by a notary. The form can be downloaded here.

Recognition of foreign education (other than higher education) for purposes other than UP admission procedure

Regional Authorities

A graduate from a foreign school who received a certificate of completion of primary, secondary or tertiary professional education and wishes to apply for its recognition for purposes other than study at UP must file the application with the competent regional authority (department of education) according to the place of residence.

List of the Departments of Education of the Regional Authorities:

Procedure where a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of proofs of education is in place

There is a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of proofs of education between the Czech Republic and Hungary, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. These agreements were approved by the Parliament of the Czech Republic and ratified by the President of Czech Republic; under Article 10 of the Constitution such agreements take precedence over legislation in case of conflict.

The relationship between the Czech Republic and Slovenia is governed by an agreement entered into by the legal predecessor of the Czech Republic. As the obligations thereunder have been acknowledged by the Czech Republic and Slovenia, the agreement is executed in the same way as the other agreements under Article 10 of the Constitution.

If these agreements apply to the documents produced by the applicant, they may be used directly in the Czech Republic and no certificate of recognition issued by the regional authority in the Czech Republic, or the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (or the Ministry of Interior as the case may be) need to be produced.

Despite the fact that such agreements are in place, an application for the recognition of foreign education may still be filed with the competent recognition bodies, i.e. the regional authorities or the Ministry of Interior.

If the agreements on mutual recognition do not apply to a specific proof of education, the procedure used in the absence of such agreement applies, i.e. general rules for recognition.

Recognition of foreign university education under mutual recognition agreements

The procedure for the recognition of academic qualifications obtained abroad (foreign university diplomas and other certificates of completed university education, e.g. certificates of completion of part of university studies, hereinafter “certificates”) differs in cases where a bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of university diplomas and scientific and academic degrees (“mutual recognition agreements”) is in force between the Czech Republic and the country where the foreign university which has issued the certificate is established and recognized.

Recognition of foreign university education:


On 28 March 2015 a bilateral agreement between Slovakia and the Czech Republic on mutual recognition of certificates issued in the Czech Republic and Slovakia came into effect.

Diplomas on university education completed in Slovakia which were issued after 1 January 1993 are considered to be equivalent in the Czech Republic without the need of their recognition in the recognition proceedings.

However, graduates from Slovak universities may apply of their own will for the recognition of their university education. If they decide to do so, they must submit all the required documents, excluding their translation into Czech or English, and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.

As from 28 March 2015, the agreement does not apply to:

1.     Slovak university education certificates issued by Slovak public universities upon the completion of Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD studies if the studies took place outside the Slovak Republic;

2.     foreign (i.e. other than Slovak) education certificates obtained upon the completion of a foreign university or its branch in Slovakia;

3.      Slovak scientific-pedagogical and artistic-pedagogical degrees of “docent” and “profesor” obtained after 28 March 2015 as the Czech legislation does not foresee the recognition of such degrees;

4.  doctoral degrees obtained upon completion of the Rigorosum Examination (“small doctoral degrees”) after 28 March 2015, these degrees are not equivalent automatically and neither does the recognition procedure under Sections 89 and 90 of the Universities Act apply to them, and thus they cannot be recognized.


Diplomas on university education completed in Poland are considered to be equivalent in the Czech Republic without the need of their recognition in the recognition proceedings.

However, graduates from Polish universities may apply of their own will for the recognition of their university education. If they decide to do so, they must submit all the required documents and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.

Diplomas awarding the degree of “doktor habilitowany“ and “doktor habilitowany sztuki“ and diplomas and certificates awarding the 2nd degree qualification in arts and artistic disciplines obtained in Poland are considered as equivalent.Certificates on the award of degrees of “profesor” and “profesor sztuki” obtained in Poland are considered as equivalent.


Diplomas on university education completed in Hungary are considered to be equivalent in the Czech Republic without the need of their recognition in the recognition proceedings. However, graduates from Hungarian universities may apply of their own will for the recognition of their university education. If they decide to do so, they must submit all the required documents and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.

The automatic recognition also applies to certificates on the completion of the Rigorosum Examinations at the end of Master’s programme of study and on certificates awarding the degrees of “candidate of science” and “doctor of science” issued in the Contracting States.


Diplomas on university education completed in Slovenia are considered to be equivalent in the Czech Republic without the need of their recognition in the recognition proceedings.

However, graduates from Slovenian universities may apply of their own will for the recognition of their university education. If they decide to do so, they must submit all the required documents and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.


Certificates on university education completed in Germany must be recognized in the recognition proceedings.

The applicant must submit all the required documents and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.


Certificates on university education completed in Austria must be recognized in the recognition proceedings.

The applicant must submit all the required documents and the procedure is the same as in cases where foreign university education completed in other countries is considered.

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement is issued by Palacký University since the academic year 2005/2006 according to the Act no. 111/1998 on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to some other Acts (the Higher Education Act) in the wording of later regulations. This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES.

The Diploma Supplement is issued automatically and free of charge to all graduates from Bachelor, Master and Doctoral study programmes.

The Diploma Supplement is issued bilingually, in Czech and English.

The Diploma Supplement describes details about the qualification holder, type and level of qualification, contents of study and achieved results, as well as information about the national system of education.

The Diploma Supplement does not contain any award, statement of equivalency or recommendation on recognition.

Palacký University issues the Diploma Supplement as a fold form in the A3 size. The form is protected against the unauthorized use by a range of protective elements.

Sample Diploma Supplement issued by Palacký University, Olomouc

The Diploma Supplement serves to improve international transparency and academic and professional recognition of qualification. The Diploma Supplement complements the basic certificate of qualification (diploma) and helps the employer or another university within the European Community to understand the previous study and completed education.

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