Christmas workshop for children

13. December 2023, 16:00–17:30

"Christmas English Party" for children

Dear British Centre fans, we would like to invite your children up to 12 years old to a traditional Christmas workshop. We will prepare an activity focused on “Christmas” English, and together we will make a simple but attractive Christmas decoration. And of course there will be English carols and Christmas songs, Christmas tea and English biscuits...

Come on Wed 13 Dec at 4 pm. (You can leave your older child/children with us, for preschoolers and younger children it is better if you stay so that we can manage everything peacefully.)

Children don't need to bring anything with them, just a desire to participate. Due to limited capacity (15 children) you need to register your child/children, up to Tuesday 12/12 including, via this form.

Looking forward to nice pre-Christmas moments!



UP Library


British Cente, UP Library, Biskupské náměstí 1

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