Clean Bodies

26. July 2024, 15:00–16:30

Personal Hygiene, Sexual Purity, and Morality in Minkaohan Women’s Gendered Constructions of Minkaomin Uyghurs

Within Uyghur society, minkaohan are criticized by minkaomin in various realms of everyday life due to their status as Uyghurs educated at Han Chinese schools. To contest their stigmatized role, young minkaohan women in Xinjiang’s capital Urumchi use the Chinese terms ganjing (“clean”) and “unclean” (bu ganjing) to describe differences in minkaohan and minkaomin respectively, focusing on themes of personal hygiene, beauty standards, social behavior, and sexual purity. This talk aims to shed light on inter-Uyghur relations in Urumchi before 2017 and explores the minkaohan/minkaomin relationship from the perspective of female minkaohan. 

The speaker is Lisa Ernst, independent researcher focusing on Uyghur minkaohan women in Xinjiang.

The event is organized by the REMOTE XUAR project

The lecture will be online on MS Teams: (meeting ID: 393 445 314 286, password: SuoXWQ)


UP FA Department of Asian Studies



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