Slam poetry literary evening

6. December 2023, 18:00–20:00

The topic this time will be, perhaps a little unexpectedly, slam poetry in the run-up to Christmas. You can look forward to a live, dramatic and original presentation of author's poetry and interesting guests. There will also be scoring, loud cheering and the announcement of the winner of the student competition.

For the fourth time, a literary evening is being prepared in the British Center of the UP Library in cooperation with the Department of English and American Studies of the FF UP. The topic this time will be, perhaps a little unexpectedly, slam poetry in the run-up to Christmas. You can look forward to a live, dramatic and original presentation of author's poetry and interesting guests. There will also be scoring, loud cheering and the announcement of the winner of the student competition.


UP Library


British Centre, UP Library, Biskupské náměstí 1

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