Health and lifestyle advice
The Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre at the Palacký University Olomouc Faculty of Education operates a counselling and consultation centre on health and issues related to a healthy lifestyle. It aims to provide students of the Faculty of Education and other faculties of Palacký University with expert consultations and counselling in primary prevention, nutrition, eating disorders, reproductive health protection, and more.
We provide consultations in the following areas:
- health; health risk factors and protecting oneself from them,
- prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases,
- nutrition and eating habits, principles of a healthy diet, nutritional recommendations, prevention and solutions for addictive behaviour, substance abuse, etc.,
- reproductive health issues (e.g. STD prevention, and solutions to risky sexual behaviour) and sex education,
- physical exercise,
- consultations for Bachelor’s and Master’s theses in the field of health and a healthy lifestyle,
- contacts with experts and specialised workplaces and centres in various areas related to health and a healthy lifestyle.
Consultations are provided by prior appointment, and can be arranged via e-mail or telephone.
Contact point:
Healthy Lifestyle Research Centre office
UP Faculty of Education
Žižkovo nám. 5, 779 00 Olomouc
3rd floor, room 4.48
Contact person:
Mgr. Michaela Hřivnová, Ph.D.
tel.: 585 635 512, 777 173 551