Psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling
If you are having a hard time dealing with personal, academic, work-related or other problems and feel the need to address them, you have come to the right place. Palacký University has several counselling centres where students and staff can actively address their difficulties.
Most of these centres offer psychological counselling, but some also offer psychotherapy services, coaching or crisis intervention.
Standards of psychological and psychotherapeutic services at Palacký University Olomouc
Below, you will find the contact details of each professional, including what services they provide, who the services are suited for and whether they are free or chargeable. You can usually find them by the faculty where you study or work, but we also have workplaces that offer services for all students or staff, regardless of where they work or study (e.g. Social Health Institute OUSHI). In addition, students with special needs can take advantage of psychological counselling at the Support Centre for Students with Special Needs. Services can be combined.
If you are studying at Palacký University as part of the Erasmus+ study programmes or in one of the degree study programmes, you can use some of the following contacts:
Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology
- For whom: foreign students at UP (all faculties), academic and non-academic staff of UP (from all faculties and departments)
- We can help you with: personal, academic, work-related and relationship difficulties and stress
- We provide: psychotherapeutic counselling, coaching, crisis intervention, stress measurement and management
- We work: individually, in groups, by providing support when going abroad
- Form: in person or online (video call)
- Language: Slovak, English
- Payment: the service is chargeable (discounted prices for UP students)
- Contact: Mgr. Petra Hrušková (,
- Website:
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
- For whom: foreign students at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at UP
- We can help you with: personal, academic, relationship and health difficulties
- We provide: psychological and psychotherapeutic counselling, career counselling, consultation
- We work: individually
- Form: in person, electronically (e-mail) and by phone
- Language: English
- Payment: the service is provided free of charge
- Contacts:
FNOL, Department of Psychiatry (Klinika Psychiatrie), building U
phone 588 443 512, 588 444 623 -
FNOL, Department of Psychiatry (Klinika Psychiatrie), building U
Consultation hours are every other Thursday, by appointment only.
Please contact Dr Jana Žlebková at
PhDr. Denisa Pastuszaková, Ph.D.
Wellnerova 3b
phone 774 818 154
by appointment only, the service is chargeable
- Website:
Faculty of Education
- For whom: foreign students within the Erasmus+ programme at UP, foreign students of degree programmes at the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Science at UP
- We can help you with: personal, academic, relationship and health difficulties
- We provide: psychological counselling, career counselling and consultation
- We work: individually, in groups
- Form: in person, online
- Language: English, Spanish
- Payment: the service is provided free of charge
- Contact: doc. PhDr. Irena Plevová, Ph.D. (