What to do, when...

Support and counselling

Everyone can sometimes get into a situation in their work, personal, or study life that they cannot cope with. UP has a vast counseling network, including e.g. legal counseling, support for students with special needs, and psychological or career counseling. In 2023, a clear signpost was created where all these counseling points can be found.



Tackling and preventing unethical behaviour

If you are a victim or witness of unwanted behavior, please contact the relevant ombudsperson or contact person in your workplace. Undesirable behavior is any form of unwanted verbal or non-verbal behavior that threatens or harms the mental or physical integrity of the person to whom it is directed. This most commonly includes aggression, sexual harassment, and other gender-based violence, discrimination, or bullying. However, the list cannot be closed, and the unwanted behavior can be categorized.

Faculty of Arts | Protection of Students' Rights

Michaela ANTONÍN MALANÍKOVÁ, Ombudswoman

Email: ombudsman.ff@upol.cz


Jaroslav ŠOTOLA, Deputy ombudsman

Email: jaroslav.sotola@upol.cz


Faculty of Law | Protection of Students' Rights

JUDr. Ivana RABINSKÁ, Ph.D, Ombudswoman

Email: ombudsmanka.pf@upol.cz

Tel.: +420 585 637 667


doc. JUDr. Ondřej Svaček, LL.M, Ph.D, Ombudsman

Email: ombudsman.pf@upol.cz

Tel.: +420 585 637 671

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