On the occasion of World Inclusion Day, on Thursday 10 October 2024, Palacký University is preparing its first annual IncluDay (InkluDen). The day-long event will offer an informal group breakfast for female UP scientists, a workshop on balancing work and personal life, an art opening, and an early evening theatrical presentation. You can find the detailed programme below.
The event will take place under the auspices of Palacký University Rector, prof. Martin Procházka.
Women’s Science Breakfast
8:30–10 am
A science breakfast! Intended for women academics and scientists, providing an informal space for sharing experiences on what it is like to be a woman academic/scientist and what helps, not only as regards balancing home and work. The reason this is aimed at women is because of the paucity of their representation in science and academia: within the EU, women scientists and academics occupy the lower rungs of the ladder. Irena Smolová, Chair of the UP Academic Senate, has promised to deliver the opening words at the Science Breakfast. Register here.
- Location: Student Club (map)
- Moderator: Dita Palaščáková
- Opening Remarks: UP Academic Senate Chair Irena Smolová
- Languages: Czech/English
- Target Group: Women academics and scientists – register here
The work-life balance
Workshop on balancing work and life and the tools to support it
10:30 am–2:30 pm
Workshop for department heads and HR officers to support the introduction of various methods to ease balancing work and private life and working with diverse teams of employees. What is diversity, and how to work with it in practice? Introducing the concept of diversity and balancing under Czech conditions and in practice abroad. Introduction to the support tools of balance, individual types of flexibility in terms of place and time, management of parental leaves, and their benefits for a stable, functioning team. The workshop portion will be aimed at the needs of the participants and the possibility of managing flexibility and their limits, working with part-time workloads and increasing them, reducing the precarity of working positions and the impacts of negative flexibility, and the demands on ensuring transparency in communication and equalising conditions within the team. In addition, we will focus on how to prevent burnout and how to increase resilience in times of huge demands on performance. Register here.
- Location: Large meeting room, UP Rector’s Office (map)
- Lecturers: Mgr. Dita Jahodová, Mgr. Klára Čmolíková Cozlová
- Language: Czech
- Target group: HR officers, department heads, and other interested parties – register here
- místo konání: Velká zasedací místnost Rektorátu UP (mapa)
- lektorky: Mgr. Dita Jahodová, Mgr. Klára Čmolíková Cozlová
- jazyk: ČJ
- cílová skupina: personalistky, vedoucí a další zájemci/zájemkyně - registrace zde
Art opening: “Together in Diversity–Spectrums”
4 pm
The art exhibit “Together in Diversity – Spectrums” captures the dynamic of blending, supplementing, and enriching among diverse groups at the university in abstract form. Works by student Sára Gilíková reflect not only the harmony which is created due to mutual cooperation, but also the contrasts and differences which are an integral component of academia, and beyond.
- Location: UPoint (map)
- Language: Czech/English promo, Czech opening words
- Target group: the event is open to all
Sára Gilíková is a young artist whose collection Spectrums is inspired by op art, an artistic direction from the 1960s which is based on optical play. Sára focusses on the 2D level, on which she juxtaposes lines and circles and is not afraid to use vibrant colours and even monotone black and white combinations. She creates works in various formats which often connect the principle of minimal objects (minimalism) with op art methods.
Theatre: Matkabaret (Mumcabaret)
5–6 pm
Artistic play by five mums.
The play was written by life itself.
Assisted by seven children.
We started in September 2023 and had no idea what or if something would come of it. We took themes from our lives and put them together with humour and pathos. We found that the mutual sharing of our experiences and emotions was more than just therapeutic. And we want to share them with you! We want to say that parenthood is no joke, and that you are all heroines (and heroes).
- Location: Theatre, Convictorium (map)
- Language: Czech
- Target group: the event is free with registration, and babysitting can be arranged during for the duration of the play. If you would like to arrange babysitting, please write to dobrovolnictvi@upol.cz.
6–7 pm
Post-Mumcabaret (Matkabaret) Discussion
Come share your feelings and experiences in an informal discussion after the play. The discussion will be led by the head of the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Milan Hain.
- Location: lobby in front of the Theatre
Photo Competition
Show us your creativity and enter the photo competition *Obleč se pestře a vyfoť se!* (Dress colourfully and take a photo of yourself!). Don’t forget to add the hashtag #InkluDen and you could win a prize for the most colourful outfit! Would you like to know more? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Palacký University IncluDay is organized by the UP Personnel Management Office,
Contact: Mgr. Veronika Fousková, veronika.fouskova@upol.cz, tel.: 585 631 234.