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Horizon Europe
Participant Identification Code (PIC): 999649506
Horizon Europe (HE) is the European Commission's (EC) framework programme for research and innovation. The programme builds on the previous Horizon 2020 framework programme and runs from 2021 to 2027, thus overlapping in the first years with the H2020 projects still in progress.
The HE Framework Programme has three main objectives:
- strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) and hence Europe's research and technology base,
- boosting Europe's innovation capacity, competitiveness and labour market,
- focusing on the priorities of EU citizens and promoting European values.
The budget is divided between three main pillars and one cross-cutting programme area.
An important focus for the Czech Republic should be projects that are part of the Widening Participation and Strengthening the ERA section. The European Commission (EC) views widening participation as an opportunity for the EU-13 countries to become more actively involved in Horizon Europe framework programme projects and to strengthen their position within the ERA. The main tools supporting this objective are primarily Teaming, Twinning, and ERA Chairs.
A new feature of the programme is the introduction of missions, which are linked to thematic clusters in the second pillar. Missions are defined as portfolios of projects with bold yet measurable goals.
In addition to missions, European Partnerships are also associated with the clusters. These are initiatives implemented by the European Commission in collaboration with partners from the public or private sector. The European Innovation Council (EIC) also plays a significant role in the programme. Its projects were piloted under Horizon 2020 and now become an integral part of the third pillar.
A strong emphasis is placed on open science. Open access to publications and research data becomes a standard requirement. New opportunities are also opening for the participation of countries with strong scientific, innovation, and technological capacities.
Two key legislative acts are the Rules for Participation and Dissemination of Results and the Strategic Plan.
Pillar 1 - Excellent Science
The first pillar of Horizon Europe is aimed at supporting excellent research and creating the conditions for it to be carried out, in particular by supporting excellent research projects, the mobility of excellent researchers and cutting-edge infrastructure. The aim of this pillar is to strengthen the EU's science and technology base and promote the development of high quality knowledge and skills.
The priority is divided into three broad areas:
European Research Council (ERC) - the main objective is to fund cutting-edge research in all scientific disciplines. This research, known as 'frontier research', goes beyond the frontiers of knowledge in a given field to make breakthrough discoveries or to significantly advance knowledge in a given scientific area. The ERC supports projects by individual scientists (Principal Investigators, PIs) and their teams without prescribing any thematic priorities. Individuals from all over the world can apply for an ERC grant, provided they choose a host institution in an EU Member State or a country associated to the EU Framework Programme. The ERC funds five types of grants:
- ERC Starting grants
- ERC Consolidator grants
- ERC Advanced grants
- ERC Synergy grants
- Proof-of-Concept grants (for ERC Principal Investigators only)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) - aimed at supporting researchers at all levels of their career. MSCAs promote international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration through researcher mobility, provide grants for doctoral studies and research projects, and support research teams. MSCA aims to foster excellence, promote career opportunities and enhance the skills of researchers.There are five types of grants:
- MSCA Doctoral Networks, DN
- MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships, PF
- MSCA Staff Exchanges, SE
- Co-financing of regional, national and international programmes (MSCA COFUND)
- MSCA and Citizens
European research infrastructures - Horizon Europe's support for European research infrastructures focuses on five main areas:
- A coherent and efficiently functioning research infrastructure landscape.
- Completing an operational, open and FAIR EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) ecosystem for storing, sharing and reusing data.
- Providing services to support health research, services that accelerate green and digital transformation and push forward the frontiers of our knowledge.
- Next generation scientific instruments, tools and methods and advanced digital solutions.
- Networking the EU between Member States and with other continents.
The European Commission recommends that research infrastructures should also be involved in Pillar 2 cluster projects..
Pillar 2 - Global challenges and the competitiveness of European industry
Second pillar clusters support systemic changes in society and the economy. They contribute significantly to the objectives of the Green Deal for Europe, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or strategies and policies in the fields of industry and digitalisation, biodiversity protection or agriculture. Clusters are followed by research missions with clearly defined objectives and expected impacts, as well as newly defined European partnerships.
Cluster 1 - Health
Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Cluster 3 - Civil Security for Society
Cluster 4 - Digital, Industry and Space
Cluster 5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
Cluster 6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Most Nuclear Direct Actions of the Joint Research Centre
Pillar 3 - Innovative Europe
Innovation, in all its forms, is one of the key factors enabling the EU to continue to deliver prosperity for its citizens and to meet the challenges ahead. Its implementation requires a systemic, cross-cutting and multifaceted approach. Innovation must be responsible, ethical and sustainable.
The "Innovative Europe" pillar comprises 3 key elements:
- European Innovation Council
- European Innovation Ecosystems
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology
Source: Horizon Europe portal