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IGA - grant projects
IGA is a competition to support specific university research projects carried out by students of doctoral or master's degree programmes at Palacký University in Olomouc. The competition is governed by the rules of the Rector's Directive B3-13/7-SR-ÚZ0 and the competition Announcement.
Projects are submitted via the online portal obd.upol.cz
General rules and manuals
- Rector's guidelines for projects starting from 1.3.2020 (CZ)
- Rector's guidelines for projects starting no later than 1.3.2019 (CZ)
- Application instructions (CZ)
- Final report form (CZ)
- Progress report form (CZ)
- Formulář zprávy z obhajob
- Allowable conference expenses SVOČ (CZ)
- Additional Rules of the Faculty of Law CZ
- Additional Rules of the Faculty of Law ENG