Services for Public
Welcome Office

The Welcome Office is a comprehensive service centre for students, postgraduates and guests, which has been set up to help them organise their stay at our university. It also serves as a support centre for faculties and units of Palacký University.
Palacký University Welcome Office
Vodární 601/6
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Palacký University Library

The Palacký University Library encompasses specialised faculty libraries and the British Centre, specialising in books, textbooks and teaching materials in English and providing English language assessment certificates. The main library situated in the historical building of Armoury offers dozens of thousands of books and other publications in a comfortable study environment.
Students are free to use the internet connections for their notebooks, Wi-Fi, beverage vending machines, computer rooms, clubrooms equipped with comfortable sofas, a microwave and coffee and tea machines. The lobby with a refreshment vending machine offers places to sit. You can search any publications in the computer system, you can make photocopies, borrow them or scan for free. The library will surely become a frequent shelter for you in the examination period!
Palacký University Olomouc
Central Library
Biskupské náměstí 1
779 00 Olomouc
UP Press and Academic Bookshop

Palacký University Press publishes an array of publications in print as well as digital form: including academic monographs, textbooks, anthologies, and study materials. UP Press editors look after every book – from the manuscript submission, through its editing, typesetting and proofreading, right up to its printing and launch in the market. UP Press also has its own print shop, specialising in small print runs in both black and white and colour, including bookbinding. The UP Press bookshop offers academic titles in Czech and other languages. University publications are also available via the UP Press e-shop.
UP Press
Biskupské náměstí 1
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
UPoint – UP information centre and shop

The information centre of Palacký University, shop, reading room, and community centre – all of this is housed in UPoint. Over an area of two hundred square metres, you'll find a designer fashion collection, high-quality souvenirs, books from the University Press, as well as information about the University and the services it provides.
The idea of establishing such a location had been discussed previously at the university, but it was not until the end of 2014 that the idea came to life in the form of a plan to establish UPoint in the House of the Black Dog on the Upper Square. Although the university has several dozen buildings in Olomouc, paradoxically it was never visible in the city centre. This changed in mid April 2015, when the information centre was opened to the public.
University students provide all the information and sales service, ensuring that visitors get everything “first-hand”. UP students and graduates have also contributed to the production of the assortment, such as the designs of the UniWearCity fashion collection and the design of souvenirs. The UPoint venue is, however, dedicated not only to the academic community but also to the general public, including tourists.
UPoint – UP information centre and shop
The Black Dog House
Upper Square 205/12
Olomouc 779 00
Accommodation and Dining

Accommodation at modern housing facilities in Olomouc is provided mainly to full-time students. Other parties may apply too – their accommodation depends on current occupancy. Palacký University Accommodation and Dining Services offers accommodation to the public for very good price. It is available year-round and can accommodate all kinds of requirements. UP students and employees as well as external customers may dine in several modern facilities. All canteens and cafeterias offer a large variety of ready and short order meals.
Palacký University Accommodation and Dining
Šmeralova 12
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
Sports at Palacký University

Sport activities are organised by the UP Academic Sport Centre. Palacký University students and emloyees can choose from a wide range of sport activities. You can use playing fields located in the close proximity of the dormitories or take part in various contests in the UP Sports Hall or in the boathouse. Facilities such as tennis courts, a minigolf course, a laser arena, a go-cart track and a paintball field are available to you, among others. The main goal of the UP Academic Sport Centre (UP ASC) is to ensure a rich offer of attractive sport and recreation activities for UP students, employees and public at unbeatably low prices. UP ASC coordinates all its activities with the UP long-term vision. More than three dozen regular sporting activities, several summer and winter sports courses, and educational programmes for lecturers are staffed by five UP core employees and six dozen external lecturers. Registration is required in order to make use of the UP ASC sport programmes.
UP Academic Sport Centre
U Sportovní haly 2a
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
Palacký University Arts Centre

Palacký University Arts Centre does not serve for teaching and research only – it is also involved in the everyday cultural and artistic life of the city. Featured performances are related to the specialisations of the resident departments and based on good contacts with individual artists, ensembles, and experts from the Czech Republic and abroad. Olomouc residents and tourists alike attend film showings and theatre performances, concerts in the Corpus Christi Chapel, and exhibitions installed in its spacious halls. The Arts Centre is open even during summer holidays because of various summer schools, theatre festivals, and en plein air painting events.
Palacký University Arts Centre
Univerzitní 3
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
UPLIFT Language School

The UPLIFT language school at the UP Faculty of Arts provides highest-quality language education to companies, students, academic workers, and the general public. In addition to common language courses, preparatory courses for internationally recognised tests in German (ÖSD) and English (IELTS) are offered. Apart from such commonly offered languages as English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Russian, even more exotic languages such as Chinese, Croatian, Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese, and Swedish are taught thanks to hired university lecturers. UP employees, students, and alumni have a 10% discount for all group language services.
UPLIFT Language School
třída Svobody 26
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic
Fort Science

Fort Science e is a one-of-a-kind centre for the popularisation of science and research in Central Moravia. At present, visitors can explore five unique expositions: Science in the Fort focusses on the military fortress itself and on how the soldiers used to live there. The Living Water exposition describes a water stream from its source all the way to the estuary. Logic in a Nutshell is an exposition dealing with the elementary principle of human knowledge. Visitors will be surely astonished by the six-metre copula of the digital planetarium in the exposition Light and Darkness, where astronomical phenomena are presented. All the expositions are complemented with Science Workshops.
The centre was created by the renovation of a large four-storey artillery storehouse from the middle of the nineteenth century and is located inside the Crown Fortress, a remarkable compound from the times of the Empress Maria Theresa.
Fort Science
tř. 17. listopadu 7
CZ-779 00 Olomouc
Czech Republic