The UP Newsletter is sent to your university email inboxes every two weeks. It brings you a regular supply of information about news and events related to your study and leisure activities at the university. Thanks to the UP Newsletter, you will learn about current operational and organizational matters of the university, offers of work experience or internships, opportunities for free courses or important organizational instructions in non-standard times.
The UP Newsletter also informs you about interesting lectures and socio-cultural events organized by the university or about opportunities to get involved in socially responsible activities or volunteer help.
Dates of sending the UP Newsletter in 2025 (subject to change):
26. 3., 9. 4., 23. 4., 7. 5., 21. 5., 4. 6., 18. 6., 2. 7., 16. 7., 30. 7., 13. 8., 27. 8., 10. 9., 24. 9., 8. 10., 22. 10., 5. 11., 19. 11., 3. 12., 17. 12., 14. 1. 2026