Inna Arakelova

Hi there! My name is Inna Arakelova, and I’m excited to see you join us at the Palacky University in Olomouc! I am currently in the third year of my Master's degree in Media and Cultural Studies. Like any international student, I was plagued with doubts if I could push through a full program abroad, away from home and family. However, the cosiness of Olomouc and the hospitality of its habitants proved me wrong. Throughout my studies I was surrounded by my peers and university staff who were always ready to help. And now I want to share it with you! The Ambassador program is created precisely to ensure that your study abroad experience is a joyful and unforgettable adventure! Navigating a foreign country while coping with the academic life can be a challenge, but you do not have to handle it alone. In moments of worry and doubt, do not hesitate to reach out to me!