Tai Chi

Master the Art of Balance

Explore the world of Tai Chi, the renowned Chinese martial art known for its health and relaxation benefits. This summer semester, seize the unique opportunity to learn from Zdeněk Chmelka, a martial arts specialist who has dedicated his life to mastering Tai Chi techniques. Participate in our 60-minute sessions, offered at no cost and conducted in English that are carefully prepared for an international community at Palacký University Olomouc. Don't forget to bring comfortable clothing, shoes with white soles, a towel, and your favorite beverage.

Lector Zdeněk Chmelka, MAT
Date To be determined for the winter semester
Place B. Václavek dormitory gym, Campus Envelopa (Šmeralova 8, Olomouc)
Capacity 25 people
Registration To be determined for the winter semester

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