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Dear employees,


The university is currently in the midst of a service week and everything is being prepared for the new academic year. In our newsletter we are therefore not only recalling the major events of the last few days, but also looking ahead. We are looking forward to the events associated with the 450th anniversary celebrations as well as countless other courses, cultural events, conferences and international meetings. You will find them in the university calendar, and you can already record them in the Každodenníček, the jubilee academic diary, which is now on sale.


Briefly from the UP management meeting

The management meeting (26 July) discussed the introduction of microcertificates and the preparation of a standard on corporate culture. The university will also participate in the Sustainable Development Week in September. Read the full summary (in Czech, after logging in the UP Portal), we will prepare another one for you in 14 days. More detailed information will subsequently be available in the summary of the management meeting in UPShare, as well as in the minutes of other bodies, in UP standards and documents and on other information platforms.

New issue of the UP Strategy and Quality Office newsletter

The next issue of the newsletter of the Strategy and Quality Office of UP (in Czech) has been published. It informs, for example, that UP has received a decision on the allocation of subsidies from the Ministry of Education for 11 CRP projects in the total amount of CZK 10,738 thousand. CZK. The topic of the issue is ITI Olomouc agglomeration. It also contains news from the field of sustainable development at UP, such as the creation of a sustainability report or an energy audit. Last but not least, it presents insights from the risk management report. Read the full newsletter in PDF. (in Czech)


UP Alumni Day will be in a month 

In the year when we celebrate 450 years of the University of Olomouc, we must not miss a day dedicated to the alumni of UP (in Czech). On Saturday 9 September, everyone can reminisce about the years spent at the alma mater, recall its history and also get to know the present. The programme will include guided tours and free admission to university buildings, boat rides, a pub quiz, a concert, a beer launch and film screenings. Don't forget that just by completing your undergraduate studies you become an alumnus and can enjoy the benefits of the UP Alumni Club! Of course, you can also register directly during the event. Invite alumni in your area to enjoy the European Heritage Days (in Czech) taking place at the same time. For more information visit absolventi.upol.cz (in Czech).

As soon as the semester starts, we'll meet you at MEET UP! 

Come celebrate the start of the academic year and meet your university and student clubs and classmates at the annual MEET UP. This year's event will take place on Tuesday, September 19! The afternoon program will feature musical performances, student clubs and a food court. The evening will then kick off with Lazer Viking, winner of the Apollo Music Critics Award for Album of the Year, in the 15 Minutes Music Club. Other musical guests will be rapper Sawsane and DJ Venktovka. All MEET UP 23 programme items are free of charge.

The Red Church will screen a film about August 68 in Olomouc

Come to the screening of the new documentary From the Memory of Nations With the Soviet Union for Eternal Times? The Occupation of Czechoslovakia 1968–1991 in the Memories of People from the Olomouc Region. How did the people of Olomouc cope with the propaganda and politics that made friends of the occupiers? What was it like to live with foreign soldiers who formed one of the largest garrisons in Olomouc? What happened in August 1968 during the so-called Bloody Sunday in Prostějov and how did the unique resistance action in Přerov in 1974 take place? The documentary is 40 minutes long and will be followed by a discussion with the survivors. Admission is free, but capacity is limited. Watch the web (in Czech) or FB (in Czech).


Olomouc University Hospital needs blood donors

You want to save someone's life? Then listen to the call of the Transfusion Department of the Olomouc University Hospital ,(in Czech) whose blood supply is getting thin in the summer. If you can donate your most precious fluid, the medical staff at the University Hospital will welcome you with open arms. You can find everything important on the website (in Czech) or Facebook (in Czech).


UP Career Regulations

This UP internal standard, effective from 3 August 2023, (in Czech) is addressed to all UP employees. It regulates the status of UP employees and specifies tools for their career development.


Win a ticket to the festival Castles CZ on Bouzov

From Olomouc it is about 30 kilometres to Bouzov Castle. On 25–26 August, the Castles CZ festival will stop there and we have obtained several passes valid for both days. If you would like to get a ticket for one person, just send us the correct answer to the question to soutez@upol.cz by Monday, August 14, and at the same time you will smile at the lucky draw. The question this time is: At which of the Olomouc fountains will you find the university relax zone during the upcoming UP Alumni Meeting?