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Dear employees,

just two more newsletters and the holidays are here. But there is still plenty to do before then – so we invite you to the Rector's talk with war reporter Petra Procházková, to the theatre or to the Olomouc half marathon. We also bring you the first swallow from the nest of changed summer opening hours, which concerns the UP canteens and FreshUP bistros. We will let you know how the UP Library, the Bookshop, UPoint and other university locations will be open this summer in the next issues of the UP Newsletter.


Briefly from the UP management meeting 

At the last management meeting (22 May), the topic of security at UP or the new standard on the social fund was discussed. Rector Martin Procházka became president of the European university network Aurora, UP has a new data protection officer. Read the full summary (in Czech) (after logging in the UP Portal), we will prepare another one for you in 14 days. More detailed information will subsequently be available in the minutes of the management meeting in UPShare, as well as in the minutes of other bodies, in UP standards and documents and on other information platforms.

Last call: THE survey on interdisciplinary scientific research

Now until Friday 31 May, you can fill in the Interdisciplinary Science Research questionnaire, sponsored by Times Higher Education (THE), which publishes one of the most respected global university rankings. It aims to map the topic of interdisciplinary research among academics and researchers. Questions include, for example, the home institution's support for interdisciplinary scientific research or the opinion of the best institutions in this field. The questionnaire should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

On Tuesday, June 11, there will be no water supply in the Envelopa – dorms, main canteen, FreshUPs 

On Tuesday, June 11, water service will be interrupted throughout the Envelope campus from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Water will not flow in the General Svoboda, J. L. Fischer, B. Václavka, 17. listopadu and Šmeralova. The main canteen and FreshUPs in the Law, Science and Education buildings will also be out of service. Read more.

Summer opening hours of canteens and FreshUP bistros 

Starting June 13, the main canteen will close at 2:30 pm. From the beginning of July until the beginning of the winter semester, the canteens, including the FreshUP bistros, will have different opening hours. During the first week of July, all canteens will be closed, and from the second week of July most canteens and bistros will operate on a regular or reduced schedule. Neredin Canteen will reopen on September 2. A detailed schedule can be found on the SKM website.

What's new in the dormitories and canteens of UP? 

Changes in the opening hours of the canteens or bistros, water, electricity or heat outages, safety information, changes at the receptions, information about accommodation in the dormitories over the holidays or news in the range of canteens will not escape you if you follow the channels of the Accomodation and Dinig of UP (🌐 EN web | [°] IG SKM | FB SKM). The Dormitory Council of UP (🌐 CZ web | [°] IG | FB) also regularly informs about the latest news in the dormitories.

Information on preventive police presence at UP 

In connection with what has been happening in recent months and in communication with the university, the police are continuously stepping up their surveillance of what is happening at UP, as well as at other places of mass occurrence. Therefore, please do not be surprised if armed police officers are present in University buildings, this is a precautionary measure. In case of uncertainty, it is not a problem to ask the officers if this is a prevention or if something is going on. At the same time, the university management has specified with the police the conditions of control visits of officers with long guns, whereby the management of the faculties and the university institute (dean/principal and secretary) will be informed in advance about their planned preventive presence at UP, other units through the Security Department of RUP.


Procházka with... Petra Procházková

The second guest of the university cycle of "debate walks", hosted by UP Rector Martin Procházka, will be journalist, war reporter and editor of Deník N Petra Procházková. She will talk about Putin, who drove her out of Russia, and the mistakes a war correspondent makes only once. The discussion will take place on Tuesday, June 4, in the auditorium of the Faculty of Education of UP. Admission is free, but for capacity reasons registration is required. You can read more in the UP Journal article (in Czech).

30% discount on everything at the Moravian Theatre in June

Thanks to our top partnership with Moravian Theatre Olomouc, you can enjoy an exceptional 30% discount on all performances in June, including festival performances. The Moravian Theatre Summer (in Czech) Festival will be performed at the theatre until 14 June and at Smetana Sady from 16 June. Details can be found on the UP benefits website.


Run with the University

Mattoni Olomouc Running Festival 2024 is slowly approaching and we have a competition for free registration for the main race (half marathon) or the 2run (10+11 km)! As a long-time partner of this largest running event in Moravia, we also bring you the opportunity to register for free for the Run for the Rector's Cup, which will be awarded to the fastest runners among our students and employees. And if you're not running, you can volunteer to help organize the event. And now for the competition – Which woman won the Rector's Cup last year? To make it easier for you to search, we will tell you that the male winner of Běh o pohár rektora that year was Jan Vácha. Email your answers to soutez@upol.cz by June 4, and be sure to indicate whether you are interested in the main race or registering for the 2run.