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Dear students,

we are happy that the university city is alive – thanks in large part to the people associated with UP. The past week and weekend brought many events to Olomouc, among which AFO shone. This year, it welcomed a record number of visitors (in Czech) and for six days turned Olomouc into a centre of global popularisation of science.

And what's next? That's what we've summed up for you in today's special Tuesday newsletter. We wish you a pleasant reading!


Book your dorms for next year

Do you want to live in the dorms from September? Don't let your dream room take over! Current UP students (both currently housed and unhoused in the UP dorms) can now apply for accommodation in the dormitories. Until May 6, current students can make a reservation with priority (only for their current room). From 7 May, all students (with a successful application) will be able to make a reservation in any dormitory and any unoccupied place. More information on the SKM website. (in Czech)

IT Service Week will take place in mid-August

The annual service week of the UP Computer Centre falls this year on 12-16 August 2024. During this period, there may be outages of the website, the UP Portal and related applications, STAG, e-mail, sign-on, storage or Internet connection. We therefore recommend that you take the service week dates into account when planning for the summer months. A detailed schedule can be found in the UP Portal and the UP Newsletter in early July.

The UP Marketplace is waiting for your advertisements 

Do you have too many file folders, but no closet – or vice versa? Have you decided to discard one set of pots during your spring cleaning and are wondering what to do with them? The Sustainable University, in collaboration with the UP Computer Center and the UP Communications Office, has set up the UP Online Marketplace for just these cases. Help us get it started! Take a look around at home and at work, add a few ads and in the meantime take a look at what is already available in the bazaar. See more in the article.

Leadership matters: sign up for the course for future leaders

Learn to think strategically and systemically to manage change and innovation, improve your digital and technological competencies or communication, learn more about sustainability and emotional intelligence! In the second year of the Leadership Matters (in Czech) course, which takes place under the umbrella of the Talented Palacký programme in close cooperation with the American Centre Olomouc, lecturers and tutors from the field will prepare you to deal with local, national and global challenges of a rapidly changing world. The course will run from October 2024 to February 2025, and you can find everything you need and the application form on the Career Centre website (in Czech). You can read testimonials about last year's course at the Journal (in Czech).

Discover the benefits of collaboration between European universities 

Membership in the European university network Aurora has already brought a lot of good things to UP – not only a stronger position among European universities, but also many benefits for its students and employees. Exchanges, online courses, joint projects, a map of research centres, a database of trainers and an emerging joint international study programme are just some of them. What else is happening in Aurora? This is what you will find in the new Aurora at UP newsletter. It presents the results and impact of the work of our academics, researchers, students, management and the Aurora senior management, as well as other offers for collaboration and invitations to interesting events related to research and education. Check out the newsletter!

Last call: Take advantage of the unique opportunity to invite an interesting person to UP

Since 1994, a lecture in honour of Prof. Josef Ludvík Fischer (in Czech), who was the first rector of Palacký University after its restoration in 1946, has been held in November. Any student and employee may submit a proposal for a candidate, which must include a short justification, to prorektorkavav@upol.cz. It should be a prominent Czech or foreign personality from any scientific field.  The selection is then decided by the Rector of UP on the proposal of the relevant university committee. Take inspiration from the list of persons (in Czech) who have given the Fischer lecture at UP in the past.

Restrictions associated with the Olomouc Majáles (May Fest) UP 

Right now the preparations for the Olomouc Maypole of UP, which will take place on 6-8 May, are at their peak. We would like to ask for your patience and tolerance of the necessary technical and logistical measures that are always associated with the organization of the event. On Tuesday it will not be possible to park on Biskupské náměstí, Mariánská Street and náměstí Republiky. The UP Library, including the night study room, will be closed from 12 noon, and from 1 p.m. an entrance fee (100 CZK) will be charged for the courtyard of the Armoury in both inner passages. This restriction will not affect free access to your offices in the Armoury or the Coffee Library. For details, please click here. (in Czech)


Interactive online experiment: discover what influences your perceptions

We are looking for volunteers to participate in an online interactive experiment (in Czech) that explores participants' subjective perceptions through AI-generated images. All we need is 10 minutes of your time and an internet connection on any computer, the only requirement is a minimum age of 18. At the end, you will receive a personalized chart with a summary of the factors that influence their perceptions. Give it a try!

Take part in a global study on the well-being of university students

Studying at university can be demanding and full of challenges. Take part in the global study on wellbeing in university students – you'll get the chance to find out where you stand on wellbeing and help other students and research.


Olomouc 1/2 marathon is looking for volunteers

For the 14th time, the renowned half marathon will be held in Olomouc on 15 June in a new format as the Mattoni Olomouc Running Festival 2024. The organization of such a large sporting event is not possible without the annual help of indispensable volunteers. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy this event from the front row and to spend a nice day in an environment of sports-minded people. If you are interested or would like further details, email tomas.holada.olma@gmail.com.


University Majáles attracts three days of merriment and King Michal Horák

The traditional student festival is approaching, the Olomouc Majáles of Palacký University with the subtitle Without Borders will offer a busy programme from 6 to 8 May at several places in Olomouc, especially at the Armoury/Zbrojnice, nám. Republiky, the Konvikt and the summer cinema (Letní kino). In addition to concerts, performances, competitions, talks, showcases of student and non-profit organisations and workshops, the programme will also commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union. 


The king of the twelfth edition will be Michal Horák, singer-songwriter, winner of the Czech Nightingale and PhD student at the University of Olomouc, who will take over the reigns of the majáles and the university on Tuesday 7 May at 5 pm on the main stage in Zbrojnice, so come and support him! The whole programme, except for the main programme in the courtyard of the Armoury, is free. You can buy tickets for the main programme for 100 CZK at UPoint or at the doors of Zbrojnice.

UP Sports Day: free time for scooters or beach volleyball 

From the wide range of sports activities prepared by the Academic Sports Centre (ASC) for the UP Sports Day, there are still a few places left for team and individual sports. Already at 9 a.m. you can stretch and strengthen your back under expert supervision, try taekwondo or ride scooters in the fresh air during the noon hour. If you're looking for discipline with your colleagues, go for a game of beach volleyball, kick a football or try out unconventional games such as lacrosse or kinball. For a detailed schedule of sports offered, including availability and registration, visit the ASC website or the Sports Day website.

Represent UP at the Czech Academic Games

This year's 22nd edition of the Czech Academic Games, hosted by the Technical University of Liberec on 24-28 June, is approaching. Students of Czech universities will measure their strength and skills in 21 sports. Female and male athletes from UP who would like to participate in these battles for medals and titles of academic champions in the colours of the University of Olomouc and thus help to build on the previous excellent placements of the UP team can apply for participation through the sponsors of the sports, whose list is published on the website (in Czech) along with other information. The deadline to apply is 5 June.

Join the Run for the Memory of the Nations

This year we will run for all those who did not give up. As a proud partner of the Olomouc Run for the Memory of the Nation (in Czech), we invite you to its next edition. In Olomouc, we will take to the track on Sunday, 19 May, and it will lead through Smetana's and Čechovy sady. You can choose between a timed 5 or 10 km mass start run and a 4 × 2.5 km relay, an untimed 1 km run, which is open to parents with strollers, and a 200 m race for children. There will be an accompanying programme for the whole family, which is being prepared by our university. Registrations are now open! (in Czech)


Compete with the Olomouc Majáles 

Would you like to enjoy the Majáles programme with refreshing Bohemsca lemonades? Simply enter our current competition, where you can win 6 gift bags full of organic lemonades and premium tonics from the Olomouc-based company Bohemsca, whose stand you will also find at the Majáles. Just email us by Wednesday 8 May to soutez@upol.cz with the answer to the question and you will have the lemonades at home! Question: When and where will the discussion with Michal Horák – this year's king of Olomoucký majáles UP – take place? 

Become a UP Entrepreneur 

There are only three weeks left to submit your business idea to the 15th annual Entrepreneurial Head (Podnikavá hlava) competition. Finalists of the competition for the best business idea can look forward to a workshop on current trends in marketing, feedback from an expert jury and networking. Prizes worth up to CZK 230,000 await the winners. The competition also includes a special category "UP Entrepreneur", which is open only to students and employees of UP. The winner of this category will also receive CZK 5,000. Registration for the competition closes on 20 May and information about deadlines, rules and prizes can be found on the website. Interested in the experience of last year's contestants? Listen to podcastUP AIR Student Radio  with the finalist and owner of the children's playroom JáSám Jindra Švihel.