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Dear employees, 

we still have one more week of winter ahead of us, but everything is already heading towards spring. This is confirmed by the four species of snowdrops and dog's tooth violet that are currently blooming in the university botanical garden.

Apart from winter, the application period for most of UP's study programmes is also coming to an end – the last chance is 15 March. Some of the offerings of the faculty of theology, for example, have a submission deadline even later, and for selected doctoral programmes, applications can be made until the end of April or May.


Read the new issue of the UP Project Service Newsletter

The UP Project Service (in Czech) publishes an electronic monthly newsletter with information about news and calls for projects. Read it and find suitable funding for your project or join research and training programmes. The current issue can be found on the UP Project Service website. (in Czech)


For scientists from UP who are submitting a research project with mandatory science communication, the UP PS has prepared a seminar (in Czech) where the university science popularizer will introduce them to the possibilities of science popularization and how the university can help them. The seminar will take place on Tuesday 25 March in the large meeting room of the Rector's Office, and registrations are already open.

UP Chronicles: Spring in Olomouc Through the Eyes of a Welcome Office Ambassador

Spring is here, bringing new experiences, opportunities, and inspiration! Read the personal story of Kıvanç Gördü, a Welcome Office ambassador, who shares his experiences with dorm life, an exciting AI project, and job hunting.

Get inspired by his motivation, courage, and drive to embrace new challenges. You can find the full article on our website.


You can also read and see in the 2024 Annual Report the ways in which the Welcome Office contributes to the international atmosphere at our university.


Open Science courses for the third time and still free of charge

Are you interested in how to effectively and securely manage research data, how to properly handle personal data in research or how to turn the results of your work into real business? You can either take the entire ten-part programme of the next Open Science course (in Czech) or choose the topics that interest you most. The first sessions, entitled Introduction to Open Science and Open Publishing, will be on Tuesday 18 March. More information at openscience.upol.cz (in Czech).


French Spring in Olomouc: Festival Bonjour Olomouc

The Bonjour Olomouc Festival (in Czech) will turn Olomouc into a centre of Francophonie for the sixth time. Come to experience, taste and live a piece of France in Moravia! From 24 March to 4 April, ballet, a French menu, literature, author readings, screenings and a baking workshop await you. On Tuesday, 25 March, there is a French language study and job fair, Rendez-vous à la française. More information at bonjourolomouc.upol.cz. (in Czech)

One World Festival will start on 24 March

The One World Olomouc International Film Festival on Human Rights starts on 24 March with a screening of the film The Other. The event, supported by the UP, highlights human rights violations through twenty documentaries and places current events in a broader context. This year, the programme will also include fictional films bringing new perspectives, a Braille workshop, lectures and concerts. The festival will end on 29 March with a screening of the documentary House Without an Exit. Details are on the website jedensvetolomouc.cz (in Czech).


  • Principles of the student grant competition at UP – Amendment No. 16
    This internal UP standard, effective from 1 March 2025,
    (in Czech) is intended mainly for students of doctoral or master's degree programmes at UP. It modifies Annex No. 1 - List of approved projects in 2025, when, based on the recommendation of the UP Grant Council, the UP Rector decided to allocate financial support to projects of the Student Grant Competition at UP in 2025.

    All UP standards, including the ineffective ones, divided by UP units, with the possibility of filtering and searching in them can be found by students and employees of UP after logging in to files.upol.cz.


Cruises through historic Olomouc and entrances to the Fort Science and the Balkan Bashavel 

Spring is around the corner, so it's time to go exploring! Whether you prefer learning about science or exploring Olomouc from the deck of a ship, this competition is for you. You can win gift vouchers for an Olomouc sightseeing cruise with Plavby Olomouc for two or two free tickets to our interactive science museum, Fort Science. We are also competing for two free tickets to the Balkan Bashavel event with Slovak DJ duo Malalata on March 26 at Konvikt.

How do you do that? Just email us the answer to the following question by Wednesday 19 March at soutez@upol.cz and the prize could be yours. Question: When will our Olomouc UP Majáles (may student festival) take place this year and what would you like to see or experience? Don't forget to write in the subject line which of the prizes you prefer.

The UPoint University Store is launching a sale on calendars for this year. It is also a reminder to turn in last year's (or even older) university calendars for UPcycling. Do you have any of your old photo calendars at home and have no use for them? Bring them to UPoint or to the Bookshop in the Armoury/Zbrojnice. UP Press can then give them a second life.