Aurora Biannual in Olomouc

17. October – 18. October 2023

Meeting of the presidents of the European universities associated in the Aurora Alliance, a conference of consortium members attended by management, students and staff of the partner schools.

Rectors and other representatives of European universities involved in the Aurora Alliance will meet on 17 and 18 October at Palacký University. In addition to reviewing the past period, they will focus on plans for the future, as the consortium received support for the next four years this year. During the Aurora Fall Biannual 2023, the student council will also meet and a workshop on online learning will take place. 

A key topic on the first day of the meeting will be a review of the progress of the Aurora pilot phase, which will end this fall and move on to the next term. This will be followed by a panel discussion on the impact and role of European universities on the future of higher education in Europe. The discussion will focus on sustainability or balancing social responsibility, teaching and research. During the closed sessions, the Alliance's leadership will meet with the rectors of the participating universities in the Rectorate's meeting room. The members of the Aurora Student Council will meet in the student club, and the members of the individual work packages and groups will also have the opportunity to meet each other in the online space.

More information


Palacký University Olomouc, Aurora Alliance


UP Faculty of Law, STP

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