How to Teach Social Business Model Development

10. June 2024, 12:00 – 23. May 2024, 13:30


Join us for our fourth of a series of virtual Aurora ‘In conversation with...’ style events, where we will hear from various expert speakers across AURORA institutions, with their perspectives about R&I issues and challenges that are currently topical and relevant.

Prof. Dr. Kai Hockerts, Copenhagen Business School, will present his and his team's work on the, a project tool designed for collaborative social business model development, which has been successfully piloted across ten Aurora universities.

The Aurora | European University Alliance has the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and cooperation as its primary purpose. This one hour, informal ‘In conversation with’ style session is aimed at Aurora colleagues and their networks interested in the exchange on current topics of innovation promotion and technology transfer. It will include a Q&A.

The webinar is free of charge for all Palacký University employes. Please pre-register.


Aurora RI



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