Doc. RNDr. Petr MLEJNEK, Ph.D.


585632203, 585632202

Ústav normální anatomie

Lékařská fakulta

Teoretické ústavy



Mlejnek P., Havlásek J., Pastvová N., Doležel P., Dostálová K. Lysosomal sequestration of weak base drugs, lysosomal biogenesis, and cell cycle alteration. BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY. 2022.
Pastvová N., Havlásek J., Doležel P., Kikalová K., Študentová H., Zemánková A., Melichar B., Mlejnek P. Changes in expression of lysosomal membrane proteins in leucocytes of cancer patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors. CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY. 2021.
Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Kriegová E., Pastvová N. N-acetylcysteine Can Induce Massive Oxidative Stress, Resulting in Cell Death with Apoptotic Features in Human Leukemia Cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 2021.
Mlejnek P., Havlásek J., Pastvová N., Doležel P. Can image analysis provide evidence that lysosomal sequestration mediates daunorubicin resistance? CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS. 2020.
Mlejnek P., Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Kimura Y., Čížková K., Růžičková E. Estimation of ABCB1 concentration in plasma membrane. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. 2019.
Dostál Z., Kosina P., Mlejnek P., Kikalová K., Modrianský M. Mifepristone potentiates etoposide toxicity in Hep G2 cells by modulating drug transport. TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO. 2019.
Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Maier V., Kikalová K., Skoupá N. N-acetylcysteine dual and antagonistic effect on cadmium cytotoxicity in human leukemia cells. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY. 2019.
Růžičková E., Skoupá N., Doležel P., Smith DA., Mlejnek P. The Lysosomal Sequestration of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Drug Resistance. Biomolecules. 2019.
Růžičková E., Janská R., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Clinically relevant interactions of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein inhibitors with ABC transporters. PHARMAZIE. 2017.
Mlejnek P., Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Růžičková E., Bates SE. Reversal of ABCB1 mediated efflux by imatinib and nilotinib in cells expressing various transporter levels. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2017.
Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Kosztyu P., Václavíková R. Can the assessment of ABCB1 gene expression predict its function in vitro? European Journal of Haematology. 2015.
Kosztyu P., Bukvová R., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Resistance to daunorubicin, imatinib, or nilotinib depends on expression levels of ABCB1 and ABCG2 in human leukemia cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2014.
Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Can P glycoprotein mediate resistance to nilotinib in human leukemia cells? Pharmacological Research. 2013.
KRUMPOCHOVÁ P., Kocúrová A., DOLEŽEL P., MLEJNEK P. Assay for determination of daunorubicin in cancer cells with multidrug resistance phenotype. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2011.
MLEJNEK P., DOLEŽEL P., FABER E., KOSZTYU P. Interactions of N-desmethyl imatinib, an active metabolite of imatinib, with P-glycoprotein in human leukemia cells. Annals of Hematology (print). 2011.
Doležel P., Koudelková P., Mlejnek P. Halogenation of N6-benzyladenosine decreases its cytotoxicity in human leukemia cells. Toxicology in Vitro. 2010.
Mojzíková R., Doležel P., Pavlíček J., Mlejnek P., Pospíšilová D., Divoký V. Partial glutathione reductase deficiency as a cause of diverse clinical manifestations in a family with unstable hemoglobin (Hemoglobin Haná, beta63(E7) His-Asn). Blood Cells, Molecules and Diseases. 2010.
Frydrych I., Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Zoumpourlis V., Krumpochová P. The broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor Boc-Asp-CMK induces cell death in human leukaemia cells. Toxicology in Vitro. 2008.
Mlejnek P., Frydrych I., Doležel P. Cyclosporin A potentiates the cytotoxic effects of methyl methanesulphonate in HL-60 and K562 cells. ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals. 2007.
Horáková K., Mlejnková H., Mlejnek P. Direct detection of bacterial faecal indicators in water samples using PCR. Water Science and Technology. 2006.
Jonák jr. J., Jonák J., Mlejnek P. Programovaná buněčná smrt u živočichů a rostlin. Molekulární biologie a genetika XII (pracovní materiály pro přednáškový kurs). 2006.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Mlejnek P., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Schmülling T., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, process for their preparation and methods of use. 2012.
Moravcová D., Havlíček L., Kryštof V., Lenobel R., Binarová P., Mlejnek P., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Schmulling T., Strnad M. Pyrazolo[4,3-D]pyrimidines, process for their preparation and methods of use. 2010.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N(6)-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical prep., cosmetic prep. and growth regulators containing these comp. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Werbrouck S., Strnad M., Mlejnek P. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing these c. Ústav experimentální botaniky AV ČR. 2007.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing these c. Ústav Experimentální Botaniky AV ČR. 2006.
Doležal K., Popa I., Zatloukal M., Lenobel R., Hradecká D., Vojtěšek B., Uldrijan S., Mlejnek P., Werbrouck S., Strnad M. Substitution derivatives of N6-benzyladenosine, methods of their preparation, their use for preparation of drugs, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators, pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic preparations and growth regulators containing. Ústav experimentální botaniky AVČR. 2005.
Dostál Z., Kosina P., Mlejnek P., Kikalová K., Modrianský M. Inhibition of ABC transporters by mifepristone is responsible for enhanced etoposide toxicity in Hep G2 cells. FEBS Open Bio. 2018.
KOSZTYU P., Kocurová A., MLEJNEK P. Does the extracellular acidosis really increase the activity of P glycoprotein in cancer cells? Toward toxicity assessment without animals. 2011.
Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Kvantitativní vztah mezi expresí P-glykoproteinu a pozorovanou rezistenci u nádorových buněk. Konference Biotechnologie v medicíně, 27.5. 29.5. 2010, Mlýnhotel Vílanec u Jihlavy, CR. 2010.
Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Modulace exprese P-glykoproteinu technikou RNA interference. Chemické listy. 2010.
Kosztyu P., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Reversal of P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance by RNA interference. ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases, únor 2010. 2010.
Frydrych I., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Serine protease inhibitors impair mitochondrial and lysosomal functions in human leukemia cells. 27th Annual Workshop of Scandinavian Society for Cell Toxicology. 2009.
Krumpochová P., Frydrych I., Doležel P., Mlejnek P. Correlation between intracellular drug level and cell resistance in P-glycoprotein expressing tumor cells. ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) proteins: From multidrug resistance to genetic diseases, Abstract Book. 2008.
Mlejnek P., Frydrych I., Doležel P. Cyklosporin A sensitises Bcr-Abl positive cells to imatinib mesylate independently of P-glykoprotein expression. ESTIV invitox 2008, Abstract Book. 2008.
Mlejnek P., Frydrych I., Doležel P., Krumpochová P., Novotný J. A method for direct estimation of intracellular drug concentration. 24th SSCT Annual workshop on in vitro toxicology at Grinda on 7-9 September 2006, Programme and Abstracts. 2006.
Frydrych I., Mlejnek P. N-α-tosyl-L-lysinyl-chloromethylketone (TLCK) inhibits many apoptotic features in dying K562 cells but it does not prevent cells from death. 24th SSCT Annual workshop on in vitro toxicology at Grinda on 7-9 September 2006, Programme and Abstracts. 2006.
Solná R., Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Pospíšilová D., Indrák K., Divoký V. Sledování míry oxidačního stresu v erytrocytech u některých vrozených hemolytických anémií. XX. Olomoucké hematologické dny s mezinárodní účastí. 2006.
Mlejnek P., Doležel P., Frydrych I., Novotný J. Stanovení intracelulárního obsahu imatinibu u buněčné linie K562. XX. Olomoucké hematologické dny s mezinárodní účastí. 2006.
Frydrych I., Krumpochová P., Mlejnek P. Verapamil i cyklosporin A zvyšují účinnost cytotoxických látek u leukemických buněčných linií nezávisle na expresi P-glykoproteinu. XX. Olomoucké hematologické dny s mezinárodní účastí. 2006.
Krumpochová P., Frydrych I., Mlejnek P. Vliv inhibitorů P-glykoproteinu na účinnost protinádorových léčiv u buněčné linie K562. Laboratorní hematologie 2006. 2006.
Mlejnek P., Frydrych I. Cyclosporin A potentiates cytotoxic effect of methyl methanesulfonate in HL-60 cells. Programme and Abstract, EST SSCT Joint Conference ?Chemicals, human and Environment? 2005.

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