doc. RNDr. Jan PETR, Ph.D.

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Katedra analytické chemie

Přírodovědecká fakulta

17. listopadu 12



capillary electrophoresis; low-cost microfluidics; connection of capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry

Selected publications
Švecová P., Baron D., Schug KA., Pluháček T., Petr J. Ultra-trace determination of oxaliplatin impurities by sweeping-MEKC-ICP-MS. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Baron D., Rozsypal J., Michel A., Secret E., Siague J., Pluháček T., Petr J. Study of interactions between carboxylated core shell magnetic nanoparticles and polymyxin B by capillary electrophoresis with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A. 2020. (ČLÁNEK)
Petr J., Maier V., Švidrnoch M., Hárendarčíková L., Gemzický M. Vyhodnocovací software. 2016. (SOFTWARE)
Petr J., Skopalová J., Navrátil T. Selected papers from the 74th Congress of Chemists. MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE. 2023.
Drastíková E., Konderlová K., Šebestová A., Baron D., Švecová P., Táborská P., Vítková K., Petr J. Determination of total protein content in biomedical products by the PDMS-assisted lab-in-a-syringe assay using 3D printed scaffolds removal. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology. 2021.
Šustková A., Konderlová K., Drastíková E., Sützl S., Hárendarčíková L., Petr J. Rapid Production of PDMS Microdevices for Electrodriven Separations and Microfluidics by 3D-Printed Scaffold Removal. Separations. 2021.
Hárendarčíková L., Petr J. Smartphones & microfluidics: Marriage for the future. ELECTROPHORESIS. 2018.
Baron D., Del Cacho MDC., Petr J. Electrokinetic preconcentration of magnetite core - carboxylic shell nanoparticles by capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A: Symposium Volumes. 2017.
Baron D., Dolanská P., Medříková Z., Zbořil R., Petr J. Online stacking of carboxylated magnetite core-shell nanoparticles in capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Separation Science. 2017.
Hárendarčíková L., Baron D., Šebestová A., Rozsypal J., Petr J. True lab-in-a-syringe technology for bioassays. Talanta. 2017.
Ryparová O., Petr J., Kowalska M., Znaleziona J., Knob R., Maier V., Frébort I., Ševčík J. Analýza mikroorganismů metodou kapilární elektroforézy. Chemické listy. 2008.
Petr J., Vítková K., Ranc V., Znaleziona J., Maier V., Knob R., Ševčík J. Determination of some phenolic acids in Majorana hortensis by capillary electrophoresis with online electrokinetic preconcentration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2008.
Znaleziona J., Petr J., KNOB R., Maier V., Ševčík J. Dynamic Coating Agents in CE. Chromatographia. 2008.
Petr J., Maier V., Švidrnoch M., Hárendarčíková L. Přenosné nízkonákladové zařízení pro multiparametrovou chemickou analýzu. 2018.
Petr J., Maier V., Švidrnoch M., Hárendarčíková L. Přenosné nízkonákladové zařízení pro multiparametrovou chemickou analýzu. 2017.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Electromigration Methods ACH/ELM ZS 1
Applications of Electromigration Methods ACH/AET LS 1
Bioanalytical Methods ACH/BANM LS 4
Practicals in Advanced Instrumental Techniques ACH/CPIT ZS Cv 9
Environmental Chemistry ACH/CZPO ZS 2
Environmental Chemistry ACH/CZPP ZS 2
Environmental Chemistry ACH/CHZP ZS 2
Clinical Analytical Chemistry ACH/KLACH ZS 4
Clinical Analytical Chemistry ACH/KLACH ZS Se 2
Chemistry of Fermentation ACH/KVAS ZS 2
Service and Maintenance of Analytical Instrumentation ACH/SUAI LS Cv 3

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