Mgr. Michal KARADY, Ph.D.



Laboratoř růstových regulátorů

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Šlechtitelů 27 A (hlavní budova)


Junior researcher

Selected publications
Jiskrová E., Novák O., Pospíšilová H., Karady M., Galuszka P., Robert S., Frébort I. Extra- and intracellular distribution of cytokinins in the leaves of monocots and dicots. New Biotechnology. 2016. (ČLÁNEK)
Roy A., Bersellini Farinotti A., Arbring Sjöström T., Karady M., Simon DT. Electrophoretic Delivery of Clinically Approved Anesthetic Drug for Chronic Pain Therapy. Advanced Therapeutics. 2023.
Huang G., Kilic A., Karady M. Ethylene inhibits rice root elongation in compacted soil via ABA- and auxin-mediated mechanisms. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2022.
Pařízková B., Antoniadi I., Poxson DJ., Karady M., Simon DT., Zatloukal M., Strnad M., Doležal K., Novák O., Ljung K. iP & OEIP – Cytokinin Micro Application Modulates Root Development with High Spatial Resolution. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2022.
Antoniadi I., Mateo-Bonmati E., Pernisová M., Brunoni F., Ament A., Karady M., Doležal K., Pěnčík A., Novák O. IPT9, a cis-zeatin cytokinin biosynthesis gene, promotes root growth. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022.
Noah AM., Casanova-Sáez R., Ango REM., Karady M., Novák O. Dynamics of Auxin and Cytokinin Metabolism during Early Root and Hypocotyl Growth in Theobroma cacao. Plants-Basel. 2021.
Novák J., Černý M., Roignant J., Novák O., Pěnčík A., Tarkowská D., Karady M. Limited light intensity and low temperature: Can plants survive freezing in light conditions that more accurately replicate the cold season in temperate regions? ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY. 2021.
Bai Y., Fernández-Calvo P., Ritter A., Karady M. Modulation of Arabidopsis root growth by specialized triterpenes. NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 2021.
Pandey BK., Huang G., Bhosale R., Karady M. Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion. SCIENCE. 2021.
Zhang Z., Runions A., Mentink RA., Karady M. A WOX/Auxin Biosynthesis Module Controls Growth to Shape Leaf Form. CURRENT BIOLOGY. 2020.
Antoniadi I., Novák O., Plíhal O., Simerský R., Mik V., Karady M., Plačková L., Doležal K. Cell-surface receptors enable perception of extracellular cytokinins. Nature Communications. 2020.
Brunoni F., Collani S., Casanova-Sáez R., Karady M. Conifers exhibit a characteristic inactivation of auxin to maintain tissue homeostasis. NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 2020.
Kretzler B., Sales CRG., Karady M., Carmo-Silva E., Dodd ICh. Maintenance of Photosynthesis as Leaves Age Improves Whole Plant Water Use Efficiency in an Australian Wheat Cultivar. Agronomy-Basel. 2020.
De Zio E., Montagnoli A., Karady M. Reaction Wood Anatomical Traits and Hormonal Profiles in Poplar Bent Stem and Root. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2020.
Doyle SM., Rigal A., Groneš P., Karady M., Pařízková B., Pěnčík A., Novák O. A role for the auxin precursor anthranilic acid in root gravitropism via regulation of PIN-FORMED protein polarity and relocalisation in Arabidopsis. NEW PHYTOLOGIST. 2019.
Skokan R., Medvecká E., Viaene T., Karady M. PIN-driven auxin transport emerged early in streptophyte evolution. Nature Plants. 2019.
Malá J., Máchová P., Cvrčková H., Karady M., Novák O., Mikulík J., Dostál J., Strnad M., Doležal K. The role of cytokinins during micropropagation of wych elm. Biologia Plantarum. 2013.
Malá J., Machová P., Cvrčková H., Karády M., Novák O., Mikulík J., Hényková E., Greplová J., Strnad M., Doležal K. Micropropagation of wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis [L.] Crantz): The regulative role of different aromatic cytokinins during organogenesis. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation. 2009.
Karady M., Pěnčík A. Analýza fytohormonů. 2021.
Tarkowská D., Karady M., Pěnčík A. Analýza fytohormonů. 2019.

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