Mgr. Martin Bernátek, Ph.D.

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Katedra divadelních a filmových studií

Filozofická fakulta

Univerzitní 3, 5


odborný asistent

structural approach in theatre and performance theory, contemporary and 20th century scenography and performance space, interwar theatre avant-garde in East-Central Europe, intermediality in theatre and performance, media change and early 20th century theatre

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Člen AS UP/komise AS UP (15. 12. 2020 – 28. 8. 2023)

Výbor vědecké společnosti

  • Teatrologická společnost (výbor) (člen, 2016–2018)

Mezinárodní organizace

  • European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies (člen, 2020–)
  • European Associaton for the study of theatre and performance (EASTAP) (člen, 2019–)

Redakční rada

  • Redakční rada časopisu pro performativní umění a umělecký výzkum ArteActa (člen, 2018–)

Jiné komise a orgány

  • Odborná komise Fondu na podporu umenia (Program 1.1 Divadlo) (člen, 2017–2020)
  • komise dotačního řízení programu „Kulturní aktivity“ na podporu projektů profesionálního divadla Ministerstva kultury (člen, 2016–2018)
  • Rada pro oblast divadla a tance stipendijního programu Ministerstva kultury (člen, 2013–2016)
  • Expertní hodnotící komise Programu Éta Technologické agentury České republiky (člen, 2017–)
Bernátek M., Pavlišová J. Bodies in archival situations: editorial. Theatralia. 2022.
Bernátek M. Building reenactment studies. Theatralia. 2022.
Bernátek M. Dotyky a spojenia 2019: politická kritika. kød - konkrétne o divadle. 2019.
Bernátek M. Tradiční otázka. kød - konkrétne o divadle. 2019.
Bernátek M., Lazorčáková T. Šťastné manévry v neúprosném čase divadla. Divadelni Revue. 2018.
Bernátek M. Ad Teze k diskusi. Divadelní revue. 2017.
Bernátek M. Božská komedie 2016 v perpektivě divadelní pedagodiky. KOD - konkrétne o divadle. 2017.
Bernátek M. Theatrical apparatus and social change: The Divadlo práce project. In Imre Z., Kosiński D., Allain P. (Eds.) Reclaimed Avant-garde: spaces and stages of avant-garde theatre in Cetral-Eastern Europe. 2018.
Bernátek M. Avant-garde Theatre in Motion around, in and out of Czechoslovakia. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z. Beyond Borders: Mobility and sites of exchange among interwar avant-garde theatres in Central-Eastern Europe. Introduction. In . (Eds.) A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z. Central and East-European Workers’ Theatre: Workers’ Culture, the transnational proletarian movement, and the avant-garde. Introductory remarks. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M. Czechoslovak Magazines: Host, Pásmo, Fronta, ReD, Index, Rozpravy Aventina, Program D. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M. Drama and its Staging in the Czechoslovakian Avant-garde. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z. Jewish Theatres and the Avant-garde in Central and Eastern-Europe. Introductory Remarks. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z. Mobility and migrations in interwar avant-garde theatres in Central-eastern Europe. Introductory remarks. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z., Veselovska H., Petrikienė A., Petrikas M., Mađarev M., Mađarev MM., Chiriac A., Tišheizere E., Kintsurashvili KS., Leyko M. The Presence of Central and Eastern-European Avant-garde at the International Theatre Events. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Imre Z. The Presence of Central and Eastern-European Avant-garde at the International Theatre Events. Introductory Remarks. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M. The Theatre Avant-garde and the Czechoslovak Republic. In . (Eds.) A lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M. Thinking Practice, Shaping Art. Aesthetics of the interwar theatre avant-garde in Czechoslovakia. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M., Strożek P., Irme Z. Transnational Circulation of Ideas on Avant-garde Theatre in the Networked Magazines of Central and Eastern-Europe. Introductory remarks. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Bernátek M. United Workers of Leftist Theatre in Czechoslovakia. A Lexicon of the Central-Eastern European Interwar Theatre Avant-garde. 2023.
Kubartová E., Bernátek M. Teatrologie jako performatika. Terény performance. 2021.
Bernátek M., Hejmová A., Jiřík J. Praca nad nowym swiatem. Teatr Emila Frantiska Buriana. In Guderian-Czaplińska E., Leyko M., Moglinicka K., Gazda G. (Eds.) Awangarda teatralna w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Wybór tekstów żródłowych. 2018.
Bernátek M. Promítání v brněnských divadlech na přelomu 19. a 20. století a etablování kinematografie. Filmové Brno. Dějiny lokální filmové kultury. 2016.
Bernátek M. Rámce naší vědy. Divadelni Revue. 2019.
Bernátek M. Empatie, neboli emancipace. Taneční zóna. 2016.
Bernátek M. Kam kráčí česká kultura? Deník referendum. 2016.
Bernátek M. Tichá pošta Visegrádu. 2016.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Contemporary trends in theatre theory KDU/STTRD ZS 1
Contemporary trends in theatre theory KDU/STTRD ZS Se 1
Methological seminar - theatre studies KDU/PROMD ZS Se 1
Tendencies of 20th century Czech Drama A KDU/TČDTA ZS Se 8
Aesthetics (theatre) KDU/EOTD LS 2
Tendencies of contemporary drama E KDU/TSDDE ZS Se 8
Features of European Theatre and Performance 1 KDU/FETP1 ZS Se 1
Features of European Theatre and Performance 1 KDU/FETP1 ZS 1
Chapters from the History of Czech drama 1 KDU/KDČDA ZS 2
Introduction to Theatre Studies KDU/USD ZS 2
Introduction to Theatre Studies KDU/USDU ZS 2
Introduction to drama theory KDU/ZTDRM ZS Se 2
Introduction to Theatre Theory KDU/ZTDV ZS 1
Introduction to Theatre Theory KDU/ZTDV ZS Se 1
Academic Skills for Performance Studies KDU/ADO ZS Se 1
Academic Skills for Performance Studies KDU/ADO ZS 1
Contemporary Theatre Analysis KDU/ASD LS Se 2
Introduction to theatre theory 1 KDU/ZTRD1 ZS Se 1
Introduction to theatre theory 1 KDU/ZTRD1 ZS 1
Introduction to theatre theory 2 KDU/ZTRD2 LS Se 1
Introduction to theatre theory 2 KDU/ZTRD2 LS 1
Visiting the Czech Audiovisual and Performance Culture KDU/CAPCD ZS Se 2
Performing Avant-gardes in Central-Eastern Europe KDU/CCTP ZS Se 1
Performing Avant-gardes in Central-Eastern Europe KDU/CCTP ZS 1
Central European historical Avant-gardes KDU/CEA ZS Se 1
Central European historical Avant-gardes KDU/CEA ZS 1
Seminar of Czech theatre I KDU/SČSDI ZS Se 2
Czech theatre F KDU/ČSDF ZS 2
World Theatre Seminar D KDU/SSDD ZS Se 2
Scenic arts in antropocene KDU/SSVDE LS Se 2
Contemporary drama production KDU/STD ZS 2
Contemporary theatre and dance seminar KDU/STDT ZS Se 2
Contemporary theatre and dance seminar KDU/STDT ZS 2
Guest lecturer (performance)1 KDU/GLP1 ZS 4
Guest lecturer (performance) 2 KDU/GLP2 ZS 4

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