doc. MUDr. Alena PETRÁKOVÁ, CSc.

Employee photo

585 632 803, 604 673 883

Ústav zdravotnického managementu

Fakulta zdravotnických věd

tř. Svobody 8



Education in the field of public health according to ASPHER (The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region) and WHO international recommendations. Global Health Research.

Office Hours:
Irregular Room number: Comment:

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Člen oborové rady (14. 6. 2017 – )
  • Člen oborové rady (23. 11. 2022 – )
Lombatti S., Ĺeighton L., Magid A., Davidovitch N., Middleton J., Sheek-Hussein M., Lopes H., Skhvitaridze N., Hazem A., Lopez-Acuña D., Martínez Olmos J., Bauernfeind A., Prikazsky V., Veselá N., Petráková A., Pierpaolo Privitera G., Philippe Naboulet J., Otok R., Reid J. The COVID-19 Pandemic as a Public Health Teacher—the Lessons We Must Learn. Public Health Reviews. 2024.
Petráková A., Veselá N., Ponomarenko M., Hrdličková S., Barták M., Dlouhý M. Response to the Ukrainian war: Support to the Ukrainian health professionals – war refugees. European Journal of Public Health. 2022.
Current courses
Course title Department/Abbrev. Semester Type Classes
Accreditation in Health Care MNG/RZP29 ZS 7
Current Issues in Health Care Management MNG/RZP39 LS 5
Current Issues in Health Care Management MNG/RZP39 LS Se 1
Risk Management in Health Care MNG/ZTK05 LS 3
Risk Management in Health Care MNG/ZTK05 LS Se 1
Creation and Management of Health Care Programme MNG/OZK35 LS Se 2
Creation and Management of Health Care Programme MNG/OZK35 LS 4
Quality and Safety in Health Care I MNG/RZK08 ZS Se 3
Quality and Safety in Health Care II MNG/RZK17 LS 2
Accreditation in Health Care MNG/RZK29 ZS Se 3
Accreditation in Health Care MNG/RZK29 ZS 0
Public Health PVL/ZD091 LS 0
Current Issues in Health Care Management MNG/RZK39 LS Se 3

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