Bc. Miroslav JURIČEK, DiS.
Žižkovo nám. 5
Room number:
Správce lokální počítačové sítě
Current courses
Course title | Department/Abbrev. | Semester | Type | Classes |
Robotic systems and technology for Industry 4.0 | KTE/KRST@ | ZS | Př | 4 |
Didactic practicum in robotic systems and technologies for Industry 4.0 | KTE/KRS1@ | ZS | Př | 4 |
Robotic systems and technology for Industry 4.0 | KTE/RST@ | ZS | Se | 5 |
Didactic practicum in robotic systems and technologies for Industry 4.0 | KTE/RST1@ | ZS | Se | 5 |