Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has announced a call for applications for the provision of grants (hereinafter referred to as "Call 8J25FR") for the implementation of bilateral research, development and innovation projects between Czech Republic and France in the framework of the activity Support for mobility of researchers and female researchers in the framework of international cooperation in R & D & I with the period of 2026-2027.
The Mobility activity is intended to establish contacts and develop cooperation between institutions active in research, development and innovation in partner countries, in the form of support for mobility of researchers cooperating on international research projects.
The deadline for submission of applications for funding in Call 8J26FR expires on 29 May 2025.
The Ministry of Education and Science indicates that the preferred method of submitting an application for granting a subsidy is by means of a data message to a data box. Please send all relevant documents, including a shirt to secure a signature for the application on behalf of UPOL, to by 28 May 2024.
For more information, visit the funder's website.
Potential applicants interested in assistance in submitting a grant can also contact the staff of the Project Service of Palacký University in Olomouc. We look forward to working with you!
Source: MŠMT