The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR) in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport has announced the 3rd public competition in the Programme for the support of applied research and innovations in the field of transport TRANSPORT 2030. The main objective of the programme is to develop the transport sector in a way that reflects societal needs, accelerates the technological and knowledge development of the Czech Republic and helps the growth of the Czech Republic's competitiveness.
The competition period will end on 30 April 2025. Submission documents must be sent via data mail along with a shirt or consent from the faculty leadership to submit the project to: well in advance.
For project registration purposes, please note that it is required to make the project available in to the account: Without this step, it will not be possible to ensure adequate UPOL cooperation in the submission of the project proposal. Projects in which UPOL acts only as a partner should also be made available. An affidavit on behalf of UPOL will be sent.
For more information visit the funder's website.
Anyone interested in assistance in submitting a grant can contact the Project Service at Palacký University in Olomouc. We look forward to your cooperation! In this case:
Mgr. Eva Novosádová
58 563 1401 | 733 690 742
Source: TAČR