BIP course
The BIP course will contain workshops focused on building life skills in the context of cultural changes. The lectures will focus mainly on communication, such as communication for persuasion and negotiation, communication in a conflict, and critical thinking in the context of cultural change.
- To understand the importance of personal development and life skills in primary prevention and obtain tools how to do it.
- To obtain basic knowledge on life skills and to train the ability to use them actively in a multicultural environment.
- To learn about successful projects in other European countries.
- To gain basic skills for persuasion and negotiation.
- To know how to fight against prejudice of diverse groups of people (e.g. people with disabilities, the elderly, people with a migratory background etc.)
Distribution of the tasks between the partners:
The partner universities (Slovakia, Poland, Germany) will be involved in the project as participants. Their teachers will motivate the students to take a part in different activities.
The teachers from Czechia and the partner organizations will participate in teaching in the workshops provided during the physical part in Olomouc. The workshops will aim at dealing with life skills such as: communication – a basic skill for persuasion and negotiation (Czechia), communication in a conflict (Poland), critical thinking in the context of cultural change (Slovakia) etc.