Přednáška o vztazích mezi Severní a Jižní Koreou

31. březen 2025, 16:45–18:15

Přednášející: dr. Nikolai Johnsen

Přednáška North-South Relations and New Capitalists in the 21st Century se uskuteční v anglickém jazyce.


This lecture examines North-South relations in the context of evolving economic and social dynamics in North Korea. It begins with an overview of the 'Sunshine Era', tracing inter-Korean engagement during the Sunshine Policy years. The discussion then shifts to the profound transformations within North Korea since the Arduous March, focusing on the emergence of new capitalist actors amid systemic change. Drawing on first-hand experiences from leading academic tours in the country, the lecture explores how informal markets, shifting state-business relations, and cross-border interactions have shaped North Korea’s evolving economic landscape.

Nikolai Johnsen is a scholar of memory and heritage with a focus on East Asia, currently a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at SOAS University of London. He holds a PhD in Korean and Japanese Studies, and his research examines the construction, contestation, and transnational mobilisation of historical narratives. His experience leading academic tours to North Korea, including a Korean language programme in Pyongyang, has also shaped his approach to teaching and research on the region.


Katedra asijských studií FF UP


FF, tř. Svobody 26, učebna 2.56

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