Rules of Conduct at Palacký University Olomouc Regarding Limiting the Spread of COVID-19

Friday 6. March 2020, 11:30

Work-organizational instructions

  1. People who are sick should not go to work, to lessons, or enter UP premises even if you only think you have an ordinary cold or virus. Urge your colleagues, if they seem indisposed, to stay home.
  2. Do not go to work, to lessons or enter UP premises if you have visited an area in the past 14 days where the presence of COVID-9 has been confirmed.
  3. Employees returning from areas where the COVID-19 virus is spreading will go into in home quarantine. They should watch their symptoms for a period of 14 days and take their temperature twice daily.
    In case of a slight cough or higher temperature (i.e. 37 °C or more), they should contact their health insurance provider and the regional public health station and give them the details of their prior journey, a description of their current health complications, and also give them the names of people which whom they have been in contact. The employee should also contact their supervisor via telephone or e-mail to discuss the conditions for a short-term absence from work.
  4. Before sending an employee/student on a work/study stay abroad, the employee’s/student’s supervisor must make sure they have the latest information on the areas where the COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading. Regularly check the webpages of the WHO and the pages of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  5. The employee’s/student’s supervisor should weigh the benefits and risks associated with each journey on the basis of the up-to-date information.
  6. The employee’s/student’s supervisor should avoid sending employees/students who might be in a higher risk category for reasons of chronic illness, for example those having chronic health problems (e.g. diabetes, heart and lung diseases), to work/study stays.

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