Alumni Meeting "Olomouc in Prague"

Tuesday 23. May 2017, 13:46 – Text: -kh-

Dear Alumnae, Dear Alumni

We are pleased to invite you to another, this time less formal, meeting of Palacký University graduates called "Olomouc in Prague". Please note the date of August 12, 2017, in your diaries, a summer university party awaits us right at the banks of the Vltava River.

Saturday afternoon will be dedicated to a presentation of Palacký University. The main program starts from 13:00 and it will take place on a unique boat Cargo Gallery. You can look forward to rock bands, a special boat with a whirlpool, beach bar, grilled specialities, video mapping and much more.

Participation in most of the program's points will be free for Palacký University graduates.

Register in the form in the non-binding subscription submenu (only in Czech) to let your classmates know they should come as well.

By signing up, you have a privileged entry to the ship (capacity of about 600 seats) and possibly other benefits that we will publish well in advance of the event. 

Come and enjoy with us the summer at Náplavka!


Mgr. Petr Bilík, Ph.D., Vice-Rector for External Relations


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