Generation Z, also known as Gen Z, refers to the youngest generation born between 1996 and 2010, that will soon after finishing their studies enter the workforce and become a leading and influential part of the society.
Have you considered all facts, values, traits of the Gen Z while addressing them? Does your way of communication fully attract the attention of your students? Or should you reconsider your current approach and teaching methods?
Join us and participate in this upcoming workshop to find out more from the key findings of Strateggo, a Prague-based Strategic Marketing Agency, and Palacký University about students from our bachelor and master studies. We conducted an extensive survey in November 2021 and would like to share the findings that can be relevant to all Aurora universities working on the co-engagement of their young student communities.
The workshop on Generation Z with Mr. Císař from Strateggo will be held on May 12 from 10:00–12:00 in a hybrid form and in the English language.
Participants can enroll online using these two links:
Participants from Palacký University can enroll via this link.
Aurora Participants from outside of Palacký University (and from Associate partners) can enroll via this link.