Update: UP Library closed from 22 October, but “Loans Windows” will open on 26 October

Friday 23. October 2020, 16:19

With respect to the current Czech Government measures in effect, the UP Library Zbrojnice (Armoury) main branch and all other faculty branches are closed as of 22 October. But lending books has not stopped. In order for UP students and employees to be able to continue to borrow books, library employees have agreed to re-open the “Loans Window” which was in operation in the spring. “Loans Windows” will be in operation not only at the Main Branch in the Zbrojnice, but also at individual faculty libraries (with the exception of the Faculty of Physical Culture library, which is still under renovations).

Ordering books for loan and arranging to pick them up will take place via e-mailing the addresses below (or telephoning the numbers below). When ordering books it is necessary to state the book’s call number (“signature”), your name, surname, the year of your birth, and the number of your ISIC card. Once the books are ready for loan, you will receive an e-mail with information on how and where to pick them up.

Rules for borrowing:

  • It is even possible to borrow non-circulating books, for a period of one week.
  • Books should be returned via the “biblioboxes” (located opposite the porter’s lodge at the Zbrojnice, in front of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry building, in front of the Faculty of Physical Education dining hall, and in front of the Faculty of Science building at the Envelopa campus). In special cases, and with prior permission, it is also possible to return books by registered mail.
  • The maximum number of books a student can borrow is 15.
  • UP Library operations will still be run according the UP Library Rules in effect, including penalties for exceeding the borrowing period and late return of books (circulating and non-circulating).

How to borrow a book via the “Loans Window” at the Zbrojnice (Armoury) and faculty libraries?

Zbrojnice – Armoury Main Library

Loan of books: Mon–Fri: 8 am – 5 pm
It is necessary to pick up books for loan via the reservation system. The link will be sent via e-mail.
E-mail for ordering books: vypujcka@upol.cz
Contact telephone numbers: 585 631 749 | 704 856 137
It will also be possible to make limited use of photocopying services via the Loans Window.

British Centre

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail address for ordering books: bc@upol.cz
Contact telephone numbers: 585 631 874/877

Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology Library

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail address for ordering books: kcmtf@upol.cz
Contact telephone number: 585 637 302

Faculty of Physical Culture Library

Closed due to ongoing renovations.
Books from the Faculty of Physical Culture branch can be borrowed via prior e-mail and picked up at the Zbrojnice Loans Window.
How to borrow books.

Faculty of Health Sciences Library

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail address for ordering books: kfzv@upol.cz
Contact telephone number: 585 632 809

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Library

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail address for ordering books: klf@upol.cz
Contact telephone number: 585 632 963

Faculty of Sciences Library

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail addresses for ordering books:
Envelopa – kprf@upol.cz
Holice – kprf_kbo@upol.cz
Contact telephone numbers:
Envelopa – 585 634 750
Holice – 585 634 826

Faculty of Law Library

Books can be borrowed on an individual basis.
E-mail address for ordering books: kpf@upol.cz
Contact telephone number: 585 631 791


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