Life in Czechia during a covid-19 pandemic: What are actual preventive measures? (Last update: 10 May)

Monday 10. May 2021, 5:33

As of 10 May, the current system of exemptions allowing the most important retail segments has ended. All retailers can open again, the reduction of a range of products and markets has also ended, the range of services has been significantly expanded. On the same date, other groups of pupils and students have returned to schools for full-time classes.

It is no longer mandatory to wear a mask or a respirator outside where it is possible to keep the maximum number of two people on less than two meters. In inside premises, wearing respirators is still needed.

Restaurants have to continue to do without customers and the same applies, with some exceptions, also to hotels and other accommodation facilities. Swimming pools, fitness centres, etc. remain closed. 

Regular weekly testing of UP employees and students continues. Details.

Recent information on regime at UP can be found here.

You can follow the latest information in English on pandemic situation and preventive measures in Czechia on:

There is also COVID-19 information hotline (dial 1221) available in English from anywhere in the Czech Republic on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on weekends from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Every new information regarding the regime at Palacký University are regularly updated on


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