Details of the UP Computer Centre Service Week

Tuesday 16. July 2024, 14:24

(Translated automatically...)

The annual service week of the CVT UP falls this year on the date 12-16 August 2024, we bring details of individual outages.

During the period, there will be outages of the web, UP Portal and related applications, STAG, email, single sign-on, storage, or internet connectivity.

Please see the table below for a more detailed breakdown of longer-term outages:

Date Time Service Outage
Monday 12. 8. 6 – 24 Complete UP-wide outage (UP router software upgrade, hypervisor upgrade)
Tuesday 13. 8. 6 – 12 Network outage - FTK, LF, FZV
9 – 17 Outage of web pages on older servers (web-c, web-k)
0 – 24 Database transfer - outage of STAG and services connected to it
Wednesday 14. 8. 6 – 12 Network outage - RUP, Konvikt, Armoury, CMTF
9 – 17 Website outage on older servers (web-g, www-c)
0 – 24 Database transfer - outage of STAG and services connected to it
Thursday 15. 8. 6 – 12 Network outage at the site - Holice, network outage - PRF, PDF
9 – 17 Website outage on older servers (web-s, web-p)
0 – 24 Database transfer - outage of STAG and services connected to it
Friday 16. 8. 6 – 12 Network outage in the loc. - tř. Svobody 26, network outage PF, FF
9 – 14 Website outage on older servers (web-u, web-j)
0 – 14 Database transfer - outage of STAG and services connected to it
14 – 16 Motor generator test - possible outage of the entire UP network

However, in addition to the above anticipated outages, there will be other medium-term outages of UP information systems throughout the week, including basic internet connectivity (wired and wireless) and single sign-on to information systems.

Incoming e-mail to UP will be received with a delay. Outgoing email and mail between UP users within the M365 cloud should not be affected.

Please note that the above schedule is subject to change due to unexpected complications and required vendor interaction.

The CVT team apologizes in advance for any inconvenience caused and thanks for your understanding.


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