Rector of UP Martin Procházka on the beginning of the academic year

Rector Martin Procházka.
Photo: Jakub Čermák
Monday 19. September 2022, 8:55

Dear Students and Colleagues,

We are embarking upon a new academic year, and right from its beginning, it is clear that in the next few months we will have to again tackle several difficult situations concurrently. Among them are the energy crisis, the impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and also Covid, which has already significantly affected teaching over the past two years. I remain however an optimist, and I believe that together we will be able to face these challenges, and that thanks to our combined strengths, we will manage them, and that they will again leave us even stronger and more experienced.

I’m glad that we continue offering a helping hand to Ukrainian students. More Ukrainian students have applied to our faculties this year and it is wonderful that they are part of our university community. We offered help from the onset of the war; I’m so proud of our volunteers, and I’m looking forward to meeting new students at MEET UP, as well as volunteers – several of whom I will be awarding at the celebration.

Our Responsible Palacký initiative also begins a new year. It was founded last year to support preventative steps during the Covid period; the basic tenets of responsible and considerate behaviour remain valid. Especially now, when Covid numbers are increasing again.

Needless to say, Responsible Palacký is now gaining a new dimension, in connection with the energy crisis. I can assure you that university management is doing everything it can to cope with the hike in energy prices. I would, however, like to ask for your help. In order to get over this energy crisis, every individual needs to pitch in. We have prepared a set of recommendations for you which – I fully believe – will serve as inspiration.

Dear students and colleagues, I would like to wish you an academic year full of success, inspirational encounters, and fascinating experiences.

Martin Procházka 

Rector, Palacký University Olomouc



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