Group taking care of international students moves next door to the Welcome Office

Photo: Vojtěch Duda
Thursday 9. February 2023, 11:17 – Text: Gabriela Sýkorová Dvorníková and Marek Sekanina

The Erasmus Student Network UP Olomouc (ESN) organisation moved in early February to its new address at 6 Vodární St. In its new, more impressive lodgings, located next door to the Welcome Office, the address has become the place for international students to find any and all information and help – not only from the university but also its students. The ESN organisation helps arriving students orient themselves in the country and in the town; it arranges diverse events for them; and above all, it connects them with Czech students and to each other.

Until the end of January, the association was located in insufficient spaces at the Generála Svobody dorm. “The prior seat of ESN was too cramped, unattractive, and was disliked by international students. Together with the International Cooperation division, we were able to select more suitable premises into which ESN moved in February,” said UP Bursar Petra Jungová. Erasmus Student Network UP Olomouc is now located at 6 Vodární St, room 1.05. It is open two to three times a week. The new space will serve for consultations, intensive get-togethers with international students, and for ESN member meetings.

“Moving also makes sense in terms of connecting ESN and Welcome Office activities: it’s an ideal solution for concentrating all information for international students into one place,” added Jungová, saying that they are now working on updating the orientation system and info boards in the building to help international students better orient themselves, while maintaining the UP visual style.

“We are also looking at the possibilities of renovating the garden space in the rear of the building to offer students and employees a pleasant outdoor setting,” Jungová said.


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