UP students allowed to meet with their teachers, attend exams and labs. Regular classes still not taking place

Friday 24. April 2020, 9:50

In conjunction with Czech government relaxation of emergency measures, as of Monday, 27 April, all students are allowed to enter the university after mandatory prior agreement with their teacher(s), and upon their instructions, for the purpose of individual consultations, lab work, exams, final exams, state exams, and thesis defences. Students can also enter the UP Armoury Library, but only for borrowing books after reserving them beforehand. Previously, these possibilities were available only to graduating and doctoral students.

Nevertheless, each of these activities are limited to the presence of max. 5 persons at a time, keeping to regulations in place (observing a two-metre distance, covering one’s nose and mouth with a face mask, etc.). If operating under these limits is not possible, all teaching activities (group lessons, tests, credit exams, etc.) until further notice will only take place via distance learning and on-line; i.e. as has been the recent norm.

Individual faculties and departments are responsible for the decisions on making their spaces accessible. Students must follow the instructions from individual workplaces as regards exams, lab work, etc.


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