Summer Schools at Palacký University

Tuesday 23. May 2017, 12:56 – Text: Klára Henzlová

Palacký University stays busy even during the summer months, when the students enjoy their deserved holidays. We hereby present you the list of the summer schools taking place at Palacký University this summer.

Central Europe: History & Culture – Architecture & Society

  • Duration: 4 weeks (July 22/23 – August 20, 2017)
  • 5 ECTS Credits

Are you interested in Central Europe, its history & culture, architecture & society, its Greek and Roman legacy, in crusades, birth of modern nations in Central Europe, and in trips and parties in and around the Czech Republic? Then this is the summer school for you! With topics ranging from:

  • Christianity and formation of the European East and West;
  • Baroque culture and spirituality;
  • Europe and the world since 1900: from global leadership to periphery?

This comprehensive summer school will give you great insight into European culture and architecture, while at the same time giving you the opportunity to spend time in the heart of Central Europe: Olomouc. The knowledge and understanding gained during this summer school, is particularly of interest in the current, complex new era of globalisation.



Eva Ohnisková, e-mail:, tel.: +420 585 631 085
Robin Rijnbeek, e-mail:, tel.: +420 585 631 092

Summer School of Slavonic Languages

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Duration: 4 weeks/2 weeks (July-August)

The Summer School of Slavonic Languages focuses on developing Czech language skills and cultural immersion into the Czech culture by providing intensive Czech language courses with a focus on literature, history and culture (fine arts, music, etc.) The academic program offers numerous experiential workshops such as theatre workshop led by local actors, folklore dances, as well as extracurricular activities such as film screenings, social events and many more engaging activities.

The course is designed for a wide range of participants: foreigners living in the Czech Republic, international students of the Czech language and literature or Slavonic studies, as well as scholars, translators, journalists, and anybody interested in the Czech language, literature, history, and culture. The curriculum is tailored to the needs of the participants. All language courses are taught in several levels and there is a possibility of a customized program based on the individual's preference of topic-based courses and the preferred length of the program (i.e. 2 or 4 weeks). Moreover, the participants can choose to develop other Slavonic languages such as: Russian and Polish. After the completion of the course, participants will receive Certificate of Palacký University.

Field trips are an academic part of the program. Participants will have a chance to visit culturally important sites in the Czech Republic during the weekend and one-day trips.

Scholarship and discounts available:

Participants can apply for a scholarships awarded by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic by contacting the Czech Embassy in their home country.  Discounts are available also for early-bird registration.


Contact: Dr. Petr Pořízka, Course Director (email:

Summer School on Medical Law

  • Medical Law
  • Faculty of Law
  • Duration: 10 days (July)

Summer School on Medical Law is organized by Faculty of Law and the European Law Students' Association (generally known as ELSA). Approximately forty law students from various European universities will have the opportunity to work with and learn from Czech and international Medical and Health Law experts and discuss topics such as: home births, vaccination, euthanasia,  mental health law a ethics in pharmaceutical law and many more. Students will also be privileged to attend a professionally commentated autopsy in a dissecting room.  This will be both a practical and extraordinary experience.

Social and cultural events are also an important part of the curriculum. Students will take part in events such as: sightseeing tours in the historic town center of Olomouc and view all of the architecturally valuable monuments the city has to offer, a trip to spectacular surroundings of Olomouc, spectacular caves in a nature park, national evenings, a Welcome Dinner and final Gala Ball.

No fee for undergraduate students!


Contact: Mr. Daniel Pospíšil, e-mail:

Swimming Summer School in Olomouc (Southwest University, Chongqing, China)

  • Faculty of Physical Culture
  • Duration: 2 weeks (July 17-30, 2017)

This summer school offers activities focused on the Development and innovation of swimming technique using camera system and Use of specific diagnostics focused on needs of particular sports – swimming. Examples of the diagnostic tests include: body composition (muscle and fat mass, body water, etc.), mobility measurement (identifying muscle dysbalances), explosive power of lower limbs (preconditions for power of lower limbs and take-off), testing balance and coordination (injury prevention, harmony of movements), forearm strength (assessment of forearm strength, important for swimming technique), etc. The courses will take place in one of the most advanced diagnostic and performance centres in Central Europe, Baluo Application Centre, specifically in a 25m swimming pool (4 widened lanes, 7 mirror windows with high-frequency cameras), a small swimming pool and a whirlpool bath.


Contact: Dr. Pavel Háp, Summer School coordinator (

Summer Schools at the Faculty of Education

The Following Summer Schools take place at the Faculty of Education and take place between 13 July and 18 August 2017.

They are each focused on a different topic, however, part of the curriculum are social and cultural extracurricular activities where international students have plenty opportunities to meet and have fun with domestic students. The courses include field trips to: Prague, Vienna and Jeseniky mountains.


Contact: Dr. Vojtech Regec, Course Director and Vice-dean (e-mail:

Summer School of Creative Arts Therapies

This summer school will focus mainly on Music Therapy, Visual Art Therapy, Expressive Therapy, Spontaneous Creativity and Interactive Activities. 


Summer School of Dance Movement Therapy Training

General topics and themes of the course: Dance Movement Therapy, Expressive Therapy, Spontaneous Creativity.


Summer School of Music Culture with Emphasis on Educatioinal Aspects

The international summer school focuses on history and theory of music a well as on the development of musical skills of participants. The curriculum is based on interactive lectures and workshops on choral singing or ensemble playing and many other. Students have the chance develop also their creative musical competences in a course on musical creativity, harmony and many more.


English Language Training Course

The aim of the course is to provide education for teachers of English. The students will gain knowledge and skills in various areas of linguistics, literature, the culture and history of English-speaking countries and the basics of ELT methodology. An integral part of the curriculum is teaching practice.  A number of courses are taught by native speakers and international faculty.


Summer School of Drama Therapy

Future teachers as well as practicing educators have the chance to develop their drama skills as well as a broad range of social and personal skills during numerous engaging workshops. Participants can attend drama therapy, expressive therapy, art therapy, music therapy courses and many more. Moreover, the intercultural and international make-up of the participants provides opportunities of deepening intercultural sensitivity and solution of intercultural issues.


Summer School of Fine Arts Education

This school is open to all participants interested in fine arts and in improving their skills in graphic design or jewelry production. The curriculum includes courses such as graphic arts, intermedia, metal and jewelry as well courses of art therapy focused on development of social skills. Participants may find inspiration in the beautiful historical city of Olomouc as well as cultural activities and site visits included in the program.


Summer School of Physical Activity and Active Lifestyle

This school is open to all participants interested in physical activity and active lifestyle. The curriculum includes courses such as Wellness and Fitness, Outdoor Activities and Movement Games, Sport Psychology and Lifestyle Counseling, Theory and Philosophy of Recreation, Adapted Physical Activities for Persons with Disabilities


Summer School of Adapted Physical Activity

This school is open to all participants interested in adapted physical activity. The curriculum includes courses such as Adapted Physical Activities for Persons with Disabilities, Inclusive and Special Physical Education, Adapted Aquatics, Wellness and Fitness and Outdoor Activities and Movement Games. 



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