UP offered vaccinations in the historic Rector’s Office

Photo: Žurnál UP archive
Monday 6. December 2021, 14:12 – Text: Egon Havrlant

In December 2021 and January 2022, Palacký University Olomouc offered its students and employees the possibility to be vaccinated against Covid-19 directly in UP’s historic Rector’s Office. The professional supervision was carried out by two doctors from Olomouc University Hospital, namely Rector Martin Procházka, and Vice-Rector for Communication and Student Affairs Vít Procházka. The actual administration of the vaccine was carried out by practical and general nurses from the UP Faculty of Health Sciences. The waiting rooms for registration and recuperation from the Comirnaty Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine application were UP’s historic large and small assembly rooms. The five appointment dates to have one’s shots administered directly on university premises were taken advantage of by 140 UP employees and students.


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