Palacký University offers a monthly scholarship to new students from Ukraine

Photo: Žurnál UP
Tuesday 27. September 2022, 15:00 – Text: (red)

Ukrainian students who have enrolled for the first time at Palacký University this semester can apply for a scholarship to support their studies in the Czech Republic in the amount of CZK 11 000 following the conflict in their home country. This scholarship is linked to the measures taken by the Ministry of Education in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine caused by the invasion of the Russian Federation and is limited in time to the period from September to December 2022. Students can apply for this scholarship until 7 October via a special form on the UP Portal.

“The scholarship may be awarded by the dean of the relevant faculty to a student who has Ukrainian citizenship, is studying in a standard period of study in a bachelor's, master's or doctoral programme, has been granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic and has enrolled in the first year of study in the current academic year,” specified the vice-rector for education, Vít Zouhar.

The scholarship to support studies in the Czech Republic will be paid in the form of a monthly allowance by a cashless transfer to the student's account held by a bank in the Czech Republic in Czech currency, in arrears for the past month. If a student interrupts or terminates his/her studies, the scholarship will be paid in the proportionate corresponding amount.

All the details and conditions are described in the relevant internal standard (in Czech), which is available to students and UP employees after logging in using the traditional university login details. The application for a scholarship to support studies in the Czech Republic in connection with the armed conflict in Ukraine can be filled in on the UP Portal under Electronic forms.


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