UP launches Welcome Office for international students and visitors

From the festive opening official ceremony of the Welcome Office of UP, which was attended by the director of the National Czech and Slovak Museum in Iowa Cecilia Rokusek and former Czech Ambassador to the USA Martin Palouš.
Photo: Martin Višňa
Friday 21. October 2022, 12:00 – Text: Ivana Pustějovská

A new contact point for all international visitors and students has opened at Palacký University Olomouc. Guests from abroad can get all the information they need in one place, regarding studying and working at UP, and even housing in Olomouc. The Welcome Office is located in the city centre, in Vodární Street.

More and more foreigners come to Olomouc’s Palacký University every year: students, academics, and visitors. The university is the nexus for thousands of international visitors during the school term; international students alone number more than four thousand per year. The newly established contact point will ensure that their stay will be as smooth as possible so that they can dedicate themselves fully to their studies and work.

“Our Welcome Office will contribute to the development of comprehensive services for current and future visitors to Palacký University. We offer our services to interested visitors before their arrival. Through our website we provide information and assistance with visa processes, accommodation, and practical information about local services as well as leisure activities in the city,” said Jiří Stavovčík, UP Vice-Rector for International Relations.

The new office is located at 6 Vodární Street in the very centre of historic Olomouc, so it’s easily accessible for all international guests and students upon arrival. Its services go beyond basic information about the school and the city. “We are preparing interesting workshops and meetings to make the stay of foreign students and visitors at our university more enjoyable. At the same time, this contact point will allow us to get to know their needs better and ultimately improve our services. We believe that the opening of the Welcome Office will further strengthen Palacký University’s position as one of the top European universities in terms of internationalisation,” added Alena Vyskočilová, manager of the UP Welcome Office.

„Připravujeme zajímavé workshopy a setkání, kterými se budeme snažit zpříjemnit pobyt zahraničních studentů a návštěvníků na naší univerzitě, což nám současně umožní více poznat jejich potřeby a my budeme moct zkvalitnit naše služby. Věříme, že otevřením Welcome Office Univerzita Palackého ještě více upevní svoji pozici mezi předními evropskými univerzitami, ke kterým na poli internacionalizace bezesporu patří,“ doplnila Alena Vyskočilová, vedoucí Welcome Office UP.


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