Bohdan Pomahač: I like the priorities of the UP Endowment Fund

Photo: Kristýna Erbenová
Wednesday 7. November 2018, 12:54 – Text: Ivana Pustějovská

The Palacký University Endowment Fund, established to support young talents in science, research, and the arts, aims to address and acquire more donors. Therefore, its “Donate Opportunity!” campaign has been launched this year, and a number of successful alumni have decided to contribute. Some of them have been mentioned on the UP Žurnál Online pages already, and more will be introduced soon. You will learn what led them to support the UP Endowment Fund and why they are still interested in what is happening at our university.

Today we interviewed Bohdan Pomahač, the famous plastic surgeon and UP Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry alumnus.

How significant were your studies at Palacký University Olomouc on your future career?

In short, UP was the key factor. This university consists of great people, whether among students or teachers and specialists. The overall atmosphere was always friendly. My years spent in Olomouc allowed me to form my own opinions on my personal as well as professional life. Those are the years when you meet your mentors and realise who you want to be in the future as a man, doctor, teacher or scientist.

What benefits do you see in keeping in touch with your alma mater?

I’d love to help with my bit to make our university as good as possible. We should be proud, since we are doing a great job in many criteria such as science, research, innovation. At the same time, I’m interested in what is happening at the university, how its leaders see the future of the Faculty of Medicine or the University Hospital. Young people should choose Olomouc as the place of their studies, and we ought to attract top students.

How do you see the activities of the UP Endowment Fund, and why did you decide to support it?

If there is money, many great things can be done and developed. The Endowment Fund has certain priorities which I like. Even if the Fund could provide only one more stipend, one more opportunity to make someone excited about a project, help one more idea be realised, it would make me happy that my contribution helped.


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