Assistance to Ukrainian students and employees of UP

Foto: Shutterstock
Thursday 24. February 2022, 15:18 – Text: (ok)

Palacký University is currently monitoring the situation in Ukraine with concern and is prepared to help our Ukrainian students and employees living in Olomouc, including offering further assistance from the resources at its disposal.

For financial support, we recommend applying through these certified organisations: Czech Red Cross, People in Need, Caritas Czech Republic, Memory of Nations and UNICEF. At present, the first priority is financial support. Any material assistance would also be later provided by the official organisations mentioned above for logistical and organisational reasons.

UP students and employees who find themselves in need can contact the UP Volunteering Centre via email at or via telephone at +420 736 676 006. Be aware that this telephone line is only for Ukrainian students and employees of UP.

More information on the current situation can be found at



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