Expand your horizons with Aurora Alliance webinars

Wednesday 20. October 2021, 10:29

Maximize your Master's program

Issues such as sustainability, digitalization, globalization, and inequality are so multi-faceted and concern many different parties that they can’t be addressed effectively from a single perspective. The Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning Course (ICSL) module, therefore, welcomes master students from any disciplinary background to engage in inter-and transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation, and experience real-life research. The module can be followed next to any master program. Please view the flyer for more information about the course.

The self-management training

The University of Naples Federico II organizes the group self-management training that aims to work on the transversal strategic skills: strategies for effective time management, strategies for motivation in one's training and professional project; strategies for achieving goals; and strategies for problem-solving. The group of students will be in the space of mirroring and sharing each academic experience and a space to construct a learning by doing arena. To participate, please view the flyer for more information.

Meet the Aurora Universities – Webinar Series for students and staff

Are you on a study abroad pathway? Interested in studying a short course abroad? Keen to experience living and learning in another part of Europe? Or helping to advise those that are? Join as many of these eleven webinars as you like! All will be live streamed and recorded for follow-up access. Click the links in the table to access the sessions.

The Borderless Learning: Recognition and Mobility Group (WP3.3.1) is hosting a week-long series of webinars from November 2nd to 5th aiming to answer questions from the very basic level – why a student would choose to study there – from its campus and location to its courses, to its inclusive community. Each Aurora university will take just 60 minutes, all following a similar structure and format, to showcase itself to other Aurora universities. Click here for the full schedule!


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