Call of the Student Chamber of the UP Academic Senate

Thursday 11. November 2021, 19:30

Dear students and friends,


We have observed with concern the rising numbers of infected people in our country and wondered, like most of you, if another lock-down is coming. As your representatives in the UP Academic Senate, we are doing our best to ensure that we do not have to return to online learning, so hated by all of us. However, we want to make an appeal to you – students – in particular. We beg you to take seriously all precautions to eliminate the transmission of Covid-19 among us. We would like to remind you of the 5 Rules (respirators, hand sanitiser, maintaining distance, being sensible, respect). It’s the least we can do for each other. We all want to go to school and have a beer with our friends after school, but as the numbers grow, we fear further disruption of all these activities.


Please also consider vaccination, which is the only way out of this crisis. After all, we don’t want to go back to the online learning experience that took away three semesters from us – some of us hardly know any other form of education at the university. At the same time, please try to work on your mental health, do nice things for yourself, take time for yourself, and if you have problems, talk about them. Most of all, don’t be afraid. We are all in the same boat.


Also remember to maintain the current measures in place at the university.


Your student senators


Marek Stratilík, Lukáš Janoušek, Erik Juriš, Tereza Marková, Lenka Murínová, Michal Nguyen, Aleš Stejskal, Dominik Voráč


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