Updated: Living in the dorms during the coronavirus pandemic? Students can choose from three options

Thursday 2. April 2020, 0:14

UP Accommodation and Dining management, after striking a deal with UP management, are presenting three options for resolving accommodation at UP dormitories during the current, extraordinary situation. In order for students to have more freedom of choice and so that they will not be bound by a blanket decision, UP Accommodation and Dining management are offering students three options from which to choose.

The accommodation fee for March remains (even with respect to the ongoing crisis) unchanged, and students must pay it in full. As regards the forthcoming month, however, students can choose from the following possibilities and subsequently reach a resolution procedurally with their dormitory officer:

Option A | “March and Outta Here”

Students, until 31 March, can withdraw from the dormitory and not return to the dorms for the rest of this semester. They will pay only 25% of the accommodation fee for April, during which they should move their belongings out of their room, by 30 April at the latest.

In case they unexpectedly want to return to the dormitory at the customary end of the semester or afterwards, they can stay at the dorm and pay the short-term accommodation fee as established in the UP Student Accommodation Rules.

Option B | “Floating Month”

Students, due to the current situation, have left the dormitory to go home, but want to keep their belongings in their dorm room (after ensuring that there is nothing in the room or fridge that can go bad or rot, especially food), because they plan to return at some or several points during the course of the semester.

In this case, students have to pay the full accommodation fee for April. In this way they have prepaid an entire floating month of accommodation in the semester (May or June or July). In addition, these students will have seniority rights as regards accommodation in the dorm and for their room in the coming academic year.

However, they must move their belongings out of their rooms by 30 June 2020 at the latest.

If you will choose Option B, please contact your dormitory officer by the end of March before 8 April 2020 (extended). If you will not contact your officer, it will be automatically assumed you have chosen an option C (below).

Option C | “My Dorm is My Castle”

Students will continue to pay the monthly dorm fee without interruption, and with no changes. Everything will continue according to the UP Student Accommodation Rules and their dormitory contract.

UP Accommodation and Dining management is furthermore prepared not to charge students the city accommodation fee of 21 CZK/night as stipulated by a ruling of the City of Olomouc. The fee requirement came into effect on 1 January 2020 for all persons – not excluding those in university dorms – who are residing within city limits for a period shorter than 90 consecutive days.


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