Updated: UP Library again loaning books

Tuesday 12. May 2020, 14:45

Books can once again be borrowed from the UP Library. Information about the special borrowing system via the “loans window” can be found below.

How does it work?

  • The system is contact-less, via a window on the ground floor level of the Zbrojnice (Armoury) courtyard (leading to the rooms where the library reception is located).
  • „Loans window“ is open from Monday to Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM.
  • Books which are not normally loaned can be borrowed for 14 days; other books can be borrowed according to normal rules.

What do I have to do in order to borrow a book?

  • Write an e-mail to vypujcka@upol.cz and list: the call number of the book(s) you wish to borrow, your name, surname, and year of birth.
  • Wait for a confirmation e-mail that the book is ready for loan. Together with the confirmation will be instructions on how to pick up your book(s).
  • Arrive at the Zbrojnice courtyard at the agreed upon time.
  • Follow the instructions written on the information board in front of the window, and keep two-metre’s distance, indicated by the marked cones.
  • Your book(s) will be put through the window and placed on a prepared table (see the photo above).
  • Return book to the Bibliobox located at the Zbrojnice entrance.

Books from the Zbrojnice Library and faculty libraries will be ready for you as soon as possible, but we need your patience as faculty buildings are closed, special cleaning and maintenance are underway, and some books have to be delivered to the Zbrojnice. There may be additional reasons and obstacles of a technical nature. Thank you for your cooperation!

Telephone and e-mail contact information:

Zbrojnice Main Library loans desk
585 631 749 | vypujcka@upol.cz

Zbrojnice Main Library work shifts manager
704 856 137 | anna.pajerska@upol.cz

Zbrojnice Main Library loans manager
739 329 863 | vladimir.klasek@upol.cz

UP Library Director
731 632 389 | helena.sedlackova@upol.cz


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