Update: Dining adjusts its regime. And FreshUP bistros re-open

Wednesday 6. May 2020, 12:25

Developments in the current situation are making possible further changes as to the regime at UP dining halls, including greater accessibility. From Monday, May 11th, for instance, the dining hall at Křížkovského will again seat customers and the FreshUP bistros at the Faculties of Arts and Science will re-open. Read on for more information.

17. Listopadu Dining Hall

Will serve hot meals to be eaten on premises. Utensils will be hygienically wrapped. Also available are chilled soups and meals for take-out, which must be ordered via the WebKredit system in advance (by 6 am at the latest on the day to be taken).
Hours: Workdays, 11 am – 7:30 pm.

Šmeralova Dining Hall

Will remain closed this semester. It plans to re-open for the upcoming academic year.

Křížkovského Dining Hall

Will again serve food on premises from May 11th. Also available are chilled soups and meals for take-out, which must be ordered via the WebKredit system in advance (by 6 am at the latest on the day to be taken).
Hours: Workdays, 11 am – 2:30 pm.

Faculty of Medicine Dining Hall

Will continue to offer soups, prepared meals, and salads. Utensils will be hygienically wrapped. Also available are chilled soups and meals for take-out, which must be ordered via the WebKredit system in advance (by 6 am at the latest on the day to be taken).
Hours: Workdays, 11 am – 2:30 pm.

Neředín Dining Hall

Will continue to offer soups and prepared meals. Salads here are newly calibrated and must be ordered in advance. Utensils will be hygienically wrapped. Also available are chilled soups and meals for take-out, which must be ordered via the WebKredit system in advance (by 6 am at the latest on the day to be taken).
Hours: Workdays, 11 am – 2:30 pm.

Holice Dining Hall

Will again serve food on premises from April 26th. Also available are chilled soups and meals for take-out, which must be ordered via the WebKredit system in advance (by 6 am at the latest on the day to be taken).
Hours: Workdays, 11:30 am – 1 pm.

FreshUP Bistros

Starting May 11th, the FreshUP bistros at the Faculties of Arts and Science will re-open, but only for take away. Customers will not be seated; refreshments and coffee must be taken to-go (but in fair weather, customers can sit outside at the Faculty of Arts courtyard).

The hours of FreshUP bistros’ operation will be workdays, from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm. We ask bistro patrons to please observe hygienic rules (distancing in queues, wearing of facemasks, etc.).


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